Contest #31: August 15 to 28, 1997

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The winning entry was submitted by Eric Roberts. It was:

Ok men, in a few minutes that guy with the patent is going to be driving down this street on his way to work, so get in the van and remember, it has to look like an accident.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Steve: Does anybody know how to drive this thing?
    George: Sure. Just grab the tool box, hop on, press the space bar, and you're on your way. (Gilbert Clark)
  2. Steve Blackburn shooing off Lo Wang while waiting to go to E3 97. (Brian French)
  3. "Today's the big day! The day where we learn something in Fashion!" (Bob Kreut)
  4. The New SPICE BOYS!!! (Dave Kreut)
  5. Is this the Publisher's Clearing House Prize Patrol? (Monty Satterwhite)
  6. "Next on Fox, The Return of the A-Team" (Kenneth Milcetich)
  7. The Rockettes have an off day, a VERY off day. (Lance Druger)
  8. The entire MSNBC viewing audience. (Charles Paschell)
  9. As the gang stares at Steve Blackburn for his stupid actions, George gives him a lashing. "Way to go Steve, I told you we'd never make it to E3 on 5 bucks worth of gas! Now no one will see PREY! arghhhhh!" (Steve Hawco)
  10. Paul is dead. (Joe Siegler)

In reality, this is several of us waiting to leave for E3 '97.

L-R: Scott Miller, Keith Schuler, Stephen Cole, Allen Blum, Steve Blackburn (backwards), George Broussard, Jim Norwood, Paul Schuytema.