Hollywood Holocaust Secrets
Hollywood Holocaust contains eight
secrets. The secrets can generally be retrieved in any
order, you are not bound to the order shown here, but at least one
of them is predicated by finding an object contained within another
secret area. These are the areas that are recognized as
secrets by the game. There are a few other areas (like the
secret wall on top of the trashcan near the arcade in the lobby)
that are not recognized by the game as secrets. This secrets
area will only show the "true" secrets in the level.
Secret #1: Rocket Launcher on ledge
The first secret you encounter is a
rocket launcher. When you first jump down off the rooftop you
are attacked by a Lizard trooper who starts out on top of a crate.
If you jump up onto the crate, and then onto the ledge underneath
the "Innocent?" sign, you will find the rocket launcher and the first
secret area. Technically the secret is just going up
onto the ledge, but realistically, if you're up there, you're
getting the rocket launcher.

Secret #2: Rocket Ammo on bench
After you get the rocket launcher from
Secret #1, if you jump onto the ledge you used to get up to the
rocket launcher, you will be sitting in front of a few windows.
The second and third windows are ones you can jump into.
You will want to go through into the second window. There is a
lizard trooper inside the window who will be shooting at you, too,
so be careful. Once inside, you will see some rocket
ammo on a bench. Pick it up to grab the second secret.

Secret #3: Steroids behind movie poster
After you get Secret #2, you can go to
the far end of the room, and you will see the "Biker Bimbos" movie
poster. Behind this poster is a secret area, which contains a
bottle of steroids. Go up to the poster, and hit "use",
and it will open up, revealing the secret area.

Secret #4: Hidden raised ledge
Secret #4 is inside the lobby of the
movie theatre. You can get there two ways. First is the
long way by going through the door at the end of the street.
However, if you picked up the rocket launcher from Secret #1, you
can blast your way through. The box office to the movie
theatre has a crack in the wall. If you shoot a rocket through
the window there, it will blow open a hole which you can use to take
a shortcut to the movie theatre lobby. Once you get
inside the lobby, take out any lizard troopers or pig cops that
might be here, it will make your life easier. This
secret has two steps. First you need to get behind the cash
register and "use" it. You will hear a click which will open
up a door around the ceiling. After that door opens up,
you will need to go stand underneath the opening, and "use" the
wall. There is a hidden riser in the floor that will raise you
up to the hidden area where you can see some armor. Go collect
the armor to get this secret.

If you happen to have the jetpack from
one of the later secrets, you could use it to bypass the hidden
riser part, too.
Secret #5: Hidden area behind projector room
There is a hidden area behind the
projector room which is the next secret. It can be gotten to
via two different paths. The more common one is to go up
the stairs and into the projector room. When inside the
projector room, you can "use" the wall to the left of the fire
extinguisher, and a wall will open up, revealing the secret area.
Go in there to collect the fourth secret.

The other way is to go into the bathroom
off the lobby, and wipe out all of the lizard troopers in here
(including the one on the toilet, which is one of the funnier gags
still to this day). After that, you can kick out the
grate above the toilet areas Go into the grate, and follow the
vents up into the same secret area. You will see a pod girl in
the room as well as some lizard troopers. You can get out of
this room by opening up one of the walls by "using" it. This
is the backside of the wall mentioned in the first way to get to
this room. It will leave you in the projector room which is
where the next secret is.

Secret #6: Hidden area in projector room
If you go back into the projector room,
and jump on top of the projector, there's an Atomic health up there.
While you're up there, you will open up a door immediately to the
side of the projector. There's a lizard trooper or two
in there, plus a rocket launcher. Go in there and collect the
rocket launcher to get this secret.

Secret #7: Behind the movie theatre screen
Back in the projection room, if you
stand next to the window, and look out into the theatre, you see the
curtain is closed. If you flip the switch right next to the
window, it will darken the room, and open the curtains revealing the
movie. If you look carefully at the movie screen, you
will see a crack in the screen. If you shoot that with a
rocket launcher, a hole will open in the screen, allowing you to
jump through. Once you go behind the movie screen, you
will be credited with this secret. When you get back here, you
will have to kill some troopers. Once you do that, grab the
jetpack that is on the shelf here, you will need it to get the
eighth secret.

Secret #8: Duke's Apartment
Once you get the jetpack from the last
secret, you can use it to fly around. You will need to
kick out the window and fly out into the main street.
Once out there, you will need to fly into one of the windows where
Duke's apartment is. Once in there, you will be granted the
final secret.
There actually is a way in there which
doesn't involve the jetpack, but it's enormously difficult. It
involves jumping on top of the tree you see from the ledge, and then
into the room, but it's so hard it's really not a recommended way of
doing things - use the jetpack.

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