October 8, 1998

George Broussard on a Desert Island

No, we haven't run George out of town, he is not dancing around in a bathing suit & a Hawaiian shirt (shudder), and we haven't killed him (sorry, no fake death shot available here), but he is part of a new Gamecenter article entitled "Developers on a Desert Island". The article takes eight of today's top game developers and plop them down on a desert island with a computer and their three favorite games. Which games would they choose?

The developers in this article are Peter Molyneux, Sid Meier, Bruce Shelley, our own George Broussard, John Romero, David Perry, Richard "Lord British" Garriott , and Roberta Williams.

Make sure to check out the entire article for what George had to say his 3 "desert island" games are.. His answers may surprise you.

Posted by Joe Siegler on October 8, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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