December 14, 1998

Duke Nukem 3D Still Available

There was a rumour going around last week about Duke Nukem 3D no longer being available for sale. This is untrue. While it might not be available at a store near you (depending on how they order games for their operations), it will always be available direct from us. In fact, George Broussard sent an Email to 3D Portal the other day about this, and here's what he said:

People will always be able to order the game from us. GT/Eidos should still be selling it overseas. It has not been discontinued to the best of my knowledge.

If you're looking for Duke Nukem 3D (or any of our games for that matter), you can check out our ordering info page for the latest info on ordering. For a complete list of games that are available, cost, format, etc, check out our pricing page (which also has info on discontinued games, too).

Posted by Joe Siegler on December 14, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Duke Nukem 3D