October 25, 2000

Big Update to the Fan Art Page!

It's been a few weeks since the last update of our fan page, but people have been sending in things since. Today we posted all of them - it was a pretty large update. We posted 7 pieces of Duke Nukem fan art, a Duke skin for Quake III Arena, a piece of Commander Keen art, as well as a Windows background based on Duke Nukem Forever.

There's tons of cool things there - you should check it all out. We also take submissions - if you have some fan art or an item based on one of our games or characters, send it to us! We're always looking for more things for the fan page! Here's a few samples from today's update to the fan art page - for the complete update, check out the page.

icet2.jpg (49357 bytes)

braidena.jpg (14697 bytes)

q3adukeskin.jpg (52711 bytes)

Posted by Joe Siegler on October 25, 2000 at 3:30 PM | Permalink
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