Raptor fans look-out! The best PC shooter is
here! The graphics, music and sound effects in Stargunner are simply brilliant. This game
sets a new standard is PC shooter graphics and a level of detail and animation that's not
been seen on the PC before. Okay, this is all sounding like too much hype but when you've
got the best what else can you say. ;)
The shareware version has 6 blast-a-thon levels, with space levels, land-based levels and
finally an underwater excursion. The full game has 34 levels, more weapons, four
cinematics and all the good stuff.
In the far distant future, an epic war for survival takes
Deep within the Andromeda galaxy, the people of Zile grow restless--and greedy. The
Zilions secretly prepare for a massive strike against the nearby planet Ytima. Fearing
such an attack the Ytimians train an elite squad of "Stargunners." Their
mission: To strike the planet Zile first, and cripple the Zilions three strongholds, where
the Zilion war fleets await the launch order. If the Stargunners can surprise the Zilions
on their own planet, and destroy most of their fleet, then good will triumph at least one
more time.
Originally released November 19, 1996.
Released as freeware Jun 22, 2005.