Contest #210: January 18 to January 31, 2005

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The winning entry was submitted by Paul Turner. It was:

Dalek: "Pre-pare to be ex-ter-min-ated"
Duke: "I only asked if you could help unblock my toilet!"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Damn, these condom machines are impossible to figure out.... " (Dan Rymas)

  2. This picture is sponsored by the letter D... (ala "Sesame Street") (Bill New)

  3. "Duke decides that the Ballistikraft Mk. 2 could use some "Modification" (Chris Pritchard)

  4. Dalek: Where is Dr. Who?
    Duke: Dr. who?
    Dalek: Yes. Where is he?
    Duke: Where is who?
    Dalek: Exactly.
    Duke: <BLAM!> First base! (Frank DeCandia)

  5. You arent really the replacement for the stripper are you? (Scott Harper)

  6. Dalek: "YOU...WILL...BE...ASSIMILATED..!"
    Duke: "You will be ASS-KICKED by the MIGHTY BOOT!" (John White)

  7. Duke: "Pull my finger." (David Staley)

In reality, this is a Dalek (from Doctor Who) action figure standing next to a Duke Nukem action figure.