Contest #43: February 13 to 26, 1998

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The winning entry was submitted by Jason Glor. It was:

No, I haven't seen your bag, Paul. I think you left it at home. No need to come in here!"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. This is the exact reason why I refused to spring for swivel chairs in the first place!" (An irate George Broussard vents his anger when during one of his infamous teleporter assisted surprise inspections he discovers the chunky aftermath of the staff's favorite post lunchtime game, "Spin the Loyal".) (Kerry Johnson)
  2. After dropping his lunch on Paul's bag Loyal notices a pattern in the macaroni. Upon closer examination, Loyal convinces himself that he is looking at the face of God, he immediately falls to his knees and bows before it. (Humberto Yeverino)
  3. "I'll never download the Tommy & Pamela Lee video again!" (Jonathan Sargeant)
  4. Voice from within the bag: "And put more vegetables in it next time."
    Loyal: "I hear and obey oh mighty bag."
    Chuckling from behind the partially opened door with two way radio in hand, Matt Wood and Tom Pytel find great pleasure in taking advantage of Loyal's well documented history of mental illness. And as usual, Paul Schuytema is the one to pay for their antics. (Kerry Johnson)
  5. Two words spring instantly to mind.  Stack Fault. (StevenRoy Michelson)
  6. This is LOYAL about to do his BASSETT Hound imitation. (i.e. eat his spilled lunch.) (Bill Goodhead)
  7. "Oops! Oh, well he'll clean it up late - Oh look, a cookie!" (Lisa Kuhn)
  8. "Damn I know that decoder ring is in here somewhere!" (Andrew Hafdahl)
  9. Dammit, I wish they would stop treating me like a janitor and give me a little res....hey! what's this? Reconstituted peas? Yummy! (Evan Soukoreoff)
  10. In a drunken stupor, Loyal realizes that the printer was NOT a microwave. (John Dreese)

In reality, this is Loyal Bassett "examining" his lunch that he dropped on Paul Schuytema's bag. Loyal truly dropped his lunch on the floor. He didn't "vomit". :)

NOTE: This week's entry was hand picked by Loyal himself.   Loyal wished it to be known that he had a hard time deciding between the one he did pick, and the first runner up which was Entry #1 in the list above.