Contest #93: February 18th to March 2nd, 2000

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The winning entry was submitted by Nathan Allen. It was:

Oh great, Chris got into the chewable Prozac.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Instead of taking the obvious route and making fun of Chris, I decided to point out the "Lose Box" in the background and it's obvious implications....... there is no game, is there?" (John Morgan)

  2. The lack of any pop cans on this man's desk is an indication to why his face looks like it does (Cameron Orr)

  3. Dude! I was up all last night playing Duke Nukem Forever. You guys should try it sometime, it'll blow your mind! (Dan Duszak)

  4. George, somewhere out of the pic: "Ahhh crap, that alien in that poster is manipulating Chris again..." (Glenn Marmon)

  5. "Programmer's Porno": A new magazine filled entirely with sexy algorithms! Look for it in a computer store near you. (Adam Rofer)

  6. Here at DeVry Labs, our trainees spend all day playing Duke Nukem and signing onto AOL as fifteen year old girls. (Graeme Cree)

  7. "Chris, go home and get some sleep. Don't forget there's a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the reasons why Duke Nukem Forever is taking forever to finish. I think 16 hours of programming is enough for one day." "Who's had time to do any programming, I haven't worked on Duke Nukem for a week, I've been too busy reading thousands of Caption Contest entries and I still can't decide who the winner is." (Frank Paniz)

In reality, this is a Duke Nukem Forever programmer Chris Hargrove in the middle of talking to the guy taking his picture.