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The winning entry was submitted by Jim
Sorrell. It was:
really wish this was a steak."
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- (engage Duke voice) "It's time to
kick ass, and eat this sandwich. And I'm almost out of
sandwich." (John Riney)
- Type, Type, Hungry (Andre Viens)
- "Joe is attempting to
procrastinate by eating lunch because he despises the Green TV web
site layout." (Jerry Springer)
- "Now people in this picture we
will notice the 7 yes, count them 7 Duke Nukem cases on the
shelf.. this is a perfect example of what we call
'Dukeaholica'" (Garrett Kuchta)
- "Though initially quite agitated
at working late, Joe became surpassingly calm when the remains of
Lee's lunch were tossed his way." (Michael Moen)
- Hey Scott! Look at this, I found that
sandwich from our company picnic last month! Mmmmmmm.... moldy
cheese......... (ApoQ Bob ???)
- Here we have Joe Siegler testing the
latest anti-crumb keyboard. (Chainsaw ???)
In reality, this is Joe Siegler
eating a sandwich at his desk.
Note From Joe: I got quite a lot of
entries making comments about there being a lot of copies of Duke
Nukem 3D on my desk. For the record, there were nine of them.
In this picture from L-R: The Duke3D Screen Saver Box, The Mac Duke3D
Box, 2 copies of the Duke3D Shareware Box, The regular US v1.3d
Edition Box, The Australian "restricted" Box, The Plutonium
PAK Box, The regular US Atomic Edition Box, and the sideways one on
the top is the European Eidos Duke3D Box. :)