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The winning entry was submitted by John
Riney. It was:
Frustrated with trying to locate the "perfect cast" for the
upcoming Duke Nukem movie, 3D Realms employee and budding filmmaker Allen Blum decides to
create the film entirely in-house with stop-motion animation techniques. Here we see Allen
setting up a scene where in which one of Earth's "hot chicks" gets captured by
some "freakin' aliens."
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- A scene from a Terry Gilliam Movie found on the cutting room
floor (James Edgar)
- Preliminary work for the upcoming title: "Lara Croft in
Deep Tomb Raider 9: the Wrong Trooper" (Tom Horton)
- Isn't there an easier way to unlock this chastity belt?
(Lisa Buckelew)
- Wallace is rescued from the commotion by a higher being, while
the non-believers are doomed to perish. (Steven Roy Michelson)
- Wallace to Lara: Pardon me miss. This might not be the right
time to mention it, but I can see right down your top. (Larry Rubanka)
- Allen Blum makes his first attempt at stop-motion animation in
a short film he calls "Wallace and Lara in: The Wrong Alien" (Jason Glor)
- Allen is brainstorming new characters for Duke Nukem Forever
(Andre Viens)
- "Don't worry Lara, I'll go get some cheeeeeeeeeese!"
(Al Hunt)
- Allen Blum frustrated for years by his mom not letting him
play with his sister's 'Barbie' Doll house decides to setup his 'own' Doll
house..." (Bill Goodhead)
In reality, this is Allen Blum (fingers
visible) goofing off setting up action figures in front of the camera.
In the Shot: A Dopefish pillow, Morn (from Star Trek: DS9), Wallace (from Wallace
& Gromit), Lara Croft, & a warrior bug from Starship Troopers.