Contest #96: March 31st to April 13th, 2000

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The winning entry was submitted by Geoff Howland. It was:

Sign language for, "When its done, so stop #Q)(*)% asking!"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Talk to the hand, cause the nose don't wanna listen. (Alan Hunt)

  2. "Try and wait until I actually PULL your finger next time, okay Ruben?" (Joshua Daigle)

  3. See! You are wrong, it does not grow hair on your palms! (Jeff McGuff)

  4. Here is theatrical version of Darth Cabrera (on the left) tell young Jedi Johnson (on the right) to submit to the dark side! (Hein Van Eeden)

  5. "Another terrifying moment from the acclaimed 3DRealms Witch Project..." (Ectal Greenhaw)

  6. The mysterious origin of Duke's "Damn, you're ugly!" one-liner is about to be revealed! (Mikhail Abovsky)

  7. Chris: "I'm too sexy for this picture." (Adam Rofer)

  8. "Ruben readily suited for the contaminating situation approaches a nearby programmer asking him to pull his finger, Johnson trys to maintain stable oxygen levels by reaching for a can of deoderant." (Ben Ivanina)

In reality, this is Ruben Cabrera (L) and Chris Johnson doing... we don't know what.