Contest #99: May 19th to June 8th, 2000

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The winning entry was submitted by Frank DeCandia. It was:

Unbeknownst to William Shatner, the Gremlin was now INSIDE the airplane. (re: Twilight Zone)

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Is it any wonder these guys didn't get anywhere with the babes at E3?" (Mike Marino)

  2. Here's something scary: These are some of the minds behind Duke Forever! (Ryan Hadlock)

  3. That son-of-a-bitch Joe keeps kicking my seat. Now he's messing around with the tray table. I think he's got it down. I'll show him, RECLINE!!!!!! (Duane Shields)

  4. "And here's another preview shot from the long awaited Blair Witch Project II" (Chris Lauer)

  5. Matt, having just socked John Romero in the kisser at E3, feels vindicated for having downloaded Daikatana. Joe, on the other hand, didn't get more than ten feet in the door before a booth babe caught his attention, keeping it for weeks aftwerward. (Adam Rofer)

  6. "...more than ever, Jerry's Kids need your help..." (Robert Rock)

  7. 3D Realms' Joe Siegler, giddy from a testosterone high after snapping pictures of countless booth babes at E3, reaches around an airplane seat and grabs Matt Wood where it hurts. Afterwards, he commented, ''I've always been a mildly complacent person. It's time I become more aggressive.'' (David Laprad)

  8. Matt and Joe seconds after removing the cover on their in-flight meal. (John White)

  9. "In the event that you are seated next to one of these guys, please proceed to the nearest emergency exit, open it, and jump to your sweet death." (John Morgan)

In reality, this is Joe Siegler & Matt Wood goofing off on the plane ride home from E3 2000.