Contest #77: June 11 to 24, 1999

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The winning entry was submitted by Robert Englehardt. It was:

3D Realms exhibits one of their 1000 monkeys at one of the 1000 computers in hopes of having Duke 3D programmed.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Todd tries to muscle his way through the 640k barrier. (Stephen Roy Michelson)
  2. "It's confirmed folks! 14 straight hours at the keyboard and his antiperspirant is still going strong!" (Chris Hillier)
  3. "Yes, I just got a e-mail saying my wife and my friend/co-worker Greg Malone are all going on the Jerry Springer Show, nothing can go wrong for me today." (Patrick Balison)
  4. "I am Codeholio, I am Codeholio!" (Randy Ford)
  5. "Why waste money with more expensive workout equipment when you can own the remarkable Invisible Chin-Up Bar for only $19.95. Only from ToddCO" (Mark Fagan)
  6. If you drink Tropicana Pure orange juice every day, you'll grow to be as big and strong as I am! (Stephen Roy Michelson)
  7. "Dammit, I've been caught chewing on my desk again!" (Patrick Balison)
  8. See! Toothpaste AND deodorant. Who says programmers have bad hygiene. (Andy Komonchak)
  9. Damn! Someone needs to tell me when the orange juice has gone sour! (Ron Reightler)
  10. "I just bought a DIVX player!" (Aaron Larson)

In reality, this is Todd Replogle making like he is going to punch out the cameraman for taking his picture.  This shot was taken just before the shareware episode of Duke Nukem 3D was released in January of 1996.