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The winning entry was submitted by Brian
Sutton. It was:
George: "I'm telling you man, when I told Carmack we were switching to
the Unreal engine, that vein in his forehead grew THIS big!"
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- With nothing else to do, the 3D Realms staff gets together
after E3 and each guy tries to get a random female in bed. The one who actually does gets
a promotion. The GT guy, being new at the game, attempts on Stephen. (Adam Rofer)
- Years of computing have caused George's hands to become locked
into a typing position. (StevenRoy Michelsen)
- George Broussard brags about his highlight of E3- "I'll
tell you guys, before I got slapped and thrown outta the Eidos section, I was able to cop
a palmfull, and boy do those Eidos chicks have some nice, big, round, voluptuous, exotic,
firm..." (Sean Bugel)
- Here we see George Broussard explaining why he gets to be in
the doorway while the others have to stand outside of Lara's dressing room. (Tony
- "Things got ugly after the guys realized that instead of
the Tomb Raider changing rooms, they had been camping behind the dressing rooms for
Eidos's new game Janet Reno: Warrior Princess." (Andrew Hanson)
- George: You don't like the Unreal engine,eh? Well I'll crush
you and everyone else who opposes me! Stack'em ten high! (Bill Walsh)
- George explains how he fit into his T-Shirt. (Bill
- George Broussard explains how he came close to wringing Tony
Kee's neck if he had to spend another minute with him in the demo room. Kee, overhearing,
responds with a passive/aggressive gesture. (Allyne Mills, GT Woman)
- Seen here looking at the mirror, Chris Hargrove decides it's
time to cut back on beer and pizza. (Zachary Mullone)
- George: "So, you see Duke Nukem Forever will be a
multiplayer, completely 3D multi-parallaxed environment, and..." Chris: "Shut
the hell up George. Hey babe - I made Duke Nukem. Wanna shag?" (Roger Harper)
- "One - Two - Three! Good old rock, nothing beats
rock" (Jim Allison)
In reality, this is several of us at E3 outside the
Duke Forever "Back Room".
L-R: Unknown, George Broussard, Chris Hargrove, Tony Kee (GT Guy), Stephen