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The winning
entry was submitted by Jon Wofford. It was:
Duke proudly displays his idea for the "corporate sponsor deathmatch
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- "Got Milk?" (Close to 100 different people)
- Those Quakers sure cant call me Dookie after I finish all
this! (Ben Mohon)
- Here's the preview poster for Small Soldiers 2: Duke Kicks
Some Ass. (Mike Harris)
- Duke Nukem Forever under the Quake II Engine. (Terri
- What are you, some cheerio eating, chex scarfing, trix
stealing snickers eater? (Chad Norman)
- Due to finical problems, the Duke Forever team has ditched the
Unreal engine and decided to make some sort of board-game. (Bryan Fordney)
- (Duke chants) Cheerios, Cheerios, Snickers, Snickers, Chex,
Chex, Trix, Trix. Rise my cereal bretheren! Let us take revenge on the world of giant
programmers! No longer will you be mere objects!! (David King)
- These home brewed levels get weirder and weirder! (Andy
- How did the guys who thought up the setting for this picture
get past the first grade? (Craig McDaniel)
- Duke using his new experimental "Oprah Ray".
(Bill Walsh)
- The oddest part of this picture is that all the snickers were
not already eaten. (Robert Engelhardt)
- After losing the part for "Small Soldiers," Duke
takes some time between takes of a commercial for Alien Pops cereal, looking down at
Cerealhenge and wondering where it all went wrong. (Brad Spitz)
- In a Pagan ceremony to God Duke, the malevolent Strawberry
Druids of Oathenge prepare a sacrifice of virgin pistachios. (Matthew Lawrence)
- "Shake it, Candy!" (Chad Norman)
- "...better hope GT doesn't get their hands on this
picture,.after they find out what the developers are REALLY doing they will surely cut off
all funding..." (Mike Nordick)
- Duke sets the bait to trap the dreaded "George"
beast. Duke doesn't know that George could just eat his way out. (Brandon Grant)
In reality, this is the result (in our lunchroom) of
what happens when developers have too little sleep and too much time. It's one of the Duke Nukem Action figures presiding over a cereal-based recreation of