Contest #80: July 26 to August 8, 1999

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The winning entry was submitted by John Morgan. It was:

Steve thought it would be funny to ship a couple dozen Duke Nukem Forever boxes containing nothing more than an N'Sync / Backstreet Boys Compilation CD and a piece of paper saying: "When It's Done!"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Yes, that's right, just bring those cases of beer straight to my office." (No Name???)
  2. While trying to impress the ladies (in the background) by doing an impersonation of the original Duke Nukem character walking, Steve accidentally lets one loose. He immediately attempts to place the blame on a poor delivery guy. (Tom Hoelscher)
  3. "The game, Boss! The game!" (Nick Bazin)
  4. Check it out dudes, I dance just like Ricky Martin! (Mark Thomas)
  5. The two people in the background whisper to each other as Steve Blackburn makes some odd-perverted remarks about the delivery guy's ass. (Matt Citroni)
  6. "I'm a little Tea Pot..........." (No Name???)

In reality, this is Steve Blackburn laughing at something while a video game was being delivered to our offices.