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The winning entry was submitted by Steve Radlowski.
It was:
I wonder when those two hot chicks we met on IRC are going to show up? It's
been like 3 hours. That one looked exactly like Cindy Crawford.
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- Hey, you know people pay more for these than we charge for
Xenophage, right? (Jim Kneuper)
- Brian: "Oh man, she was interested! I'm telling' ya, she
was interested!"
Chris: "She was on a bicycle. She didn't stop. She darted through traffic to get to
the other side of the street. Care to guess again?" (Aaron Larson)
- This picture is best not viewed with any browser. (Pedro
Dos Santos)
- Soon after this picture was taken, a new label appeared on
smokes... "Known to have adverse side effects on game designers. Xenophage,
anyone?" (Jim Kneuper again - We think he doesn't like Xenophage for some reason)
- No way are we going to get the Frogger machine across here
(Simon Holcroft)
- Brian: "Hey, that guy in the id-mobile just gave us the
finger!" (Aaron Larson)
- I just know they're staring at our T-shirts. (Steven Roy
- Brian: "Does my butt look big in these jeans?" (Ben
- Chris: "Brian do you ever get the feeling you're not, you
know, fresh?"
Brian: "Shaddup!" (Bill Walsh)
- Here you have two men, afraid to talk to each other. The sad
thing is that both just wrote up almost 3MB of text in a private IRC channel less than one
hour ago. Just goes to show how big of computer geeks the 3D Realms folks are. (Andy
- These Georgians call *this* traffic?! In Dallas, they wouldn't
even bother putting up a stoplight for this. (Carla Haker)
And, we also got this short poem submission about the
If you really gotta Pee,
And you don't want any one to See.
Then be a real Man,
Whiz on a public garbage can.
But if you don't want people to see your Dick,
Then do the job and do it Quick! (John Kantor)
In reality, this is Brian Cozzens & Chris
Hargrove having a smoke outside of the Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Atlanta during E3.