Contest #57: August 28 to September 10, 1998

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The winning entry was submitted by Steve Silva.  It was:

During another late, lonely night stuck at the office, Matt shuts his eyes and envisions himself down the street at the local strip bar. He's enjoying a lap dance as he takes a sip of his ice-cold Heineken.

Here are some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Don't think about beer, don't think about beer..." (Neil Roy)
  2. *drumroll* Matt will attempt what one thought could never be achieved...he will try to take a sip of his iced tea from a foot will he do it?...the Jedi mind trick.. (Ryan Connery)
  3. Ahh!! BITTER TEA FACE! (Jason Parrott)
  4. Finally clean and sober, Scott Weiland contemplates life after Stone Temple Pilots. (Brady Forrester)
  5. Just think aspiring 3d Realms developers... This is what you have to look forward to. (Fox Dragonrite)

In reality, this Matt Wood about to take a drink of Iced Tea when he was caught by the camera.