Contest #61: October 23 to November 5, 1998

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The winning entry was submitted by Tim Brusstar. It was:

"Oh Man, where's Monica when I need her?"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Check it out, I am working on a new weapon!!..Actually its only a celery stick.. and well it doesn't really hurt... but when you throw it out the window at people from this height it really pisses them off... especially if you dip it in ranch dressing before you toss it!" (Ryan Fulton)
  2. "Um, Scott... that isn't celery. Those are cheese sticks left over from last years Christmas party." (Al Hunt)
  3. Photo of Scott practicing for "Stupid Human Tricks". We were too afraid to ask what the trick was. (Troy Hill)
  4. "Alright, who stuck the tampon in here?" (Nathan Domenighini)
  5. Scott's smirk soon disappears as Joe finally losses it, after some one hundred virtual tour photos and a company full of comedians: "Listen, you'll be eating celery stick it where the sun don't shine pretty soon if you don't get the $#!@% out of my way!" Scott quickly heeds the advice so Joe can take the all important shot of the kitchen. (Liam Hassett)
  6. 1 stick in the morning, 1 stick at lunch, and then a sensible dinner. (Ryan Shelley)
  7. Not only is the new virtual tour faster and easier to use it also includes our employees in sexy new poses like this one. Oh la la! (Tom Spear)
  8. "When the Dunkin'-Stix turn green, they acquire a unique flavor, sure you won't try one?" (Michael Olsen)

In reality, this is Scott Miller eating celery while getting in the way of one of the Virtual Tour II shots being taken.