Contest #63: November 20 to December 3, 1998

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The winning entry was submitted by Steve Goff. It was:

Next time on Jerry... "Honey, I've got a secret....I'm cheating with twins!"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Three chicks, and only one gun! What's a Duke to do? (Ian ???)
  2. Duke: "Those costume bastards are gonna pay for giving me such a cheap ass looking gun!!" (Ryan Fulton)
  3. I don't know if your feeling lucky, PUNK, but I sure as hell am. (Howard ???)
  4. Hey girls, how'd ya like to see my RPG? (Larry Volker)
  5. Beware of duke and his new weapon! A meat grinder hooked up to a small spotlight. (John Cantor)
  6. You'd make this face too if you knew where Lara's other hand was! (Ron Coleman)
  7. This recent Vegas marriage of Duke Nukem and Lara Croft has sparked controversy over whether or not Lara should be known as Mrs. Nukem... (John Gipson)
  8. Duke: "Are you talkin to me? Are you talkin to me? I'm the only one here so you must be talkin to me" Laura: "Are you starin at me?..." America's two most popular gaming hero's go head to head to determine who has the bigger ego. (Ryan Fulton)

In reality, this is a shot from the 1998 E3 Show with our Duke guy and Eidos' Lara Croft gal as well as Duke's showgirls.