Contest #137: December 14 to December 27, 2001

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The winning entry was submitted by Jim Sales. It was:

Click here for a larger image!Gift Idea for the Duke Nukem fan in your family, get him the Norelco Duke Nukem rechargeable shaver. Shaves as close as a blade, or your money back.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Even Duke is kicking our ass to get Duke Nukem Forever finished. (Vince Batchelor)
  2. "This is nothing - Barbie took him down with one punch." (John D. Whaley)
  3. Steve cracks a joke about Duke's misuse of the Shrink Ray and pays for it. (Raeyn ???)
  4. "DNF is taking so long to be released that Duke's spirit has entered one of his action figures. Steve is just the first victim and -after kicking everyone else's ass- Duke's going to the strippers!" (Frank Perrin)
  5. The prototype for an edible duke nukem novelty toy is an utter failure. (Bad Andy ???)
  6. Steve Blackburn (talking in his sleep), Mmmm foot long hotdog... (moments later Steve is found by his co-workers with a Duke Nukem action figure lodged in his throat). (Chris O'Connor)
  7. "On seeing the promos, Steve made the mistake of comparing Duke Nukem to Drew Carey and is now paying the price! Duke is kung-fu kicking Blackburn's ass back to Cleveland!" (Gautam Menon)

In reality, this is Steve Blackburn clowning around with a Duke Nukem action figure.