Episode 2, Level
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Incubator starts out in more or less the
same place the last level finished. In a shuttle. Only
now the shuttle is approaching what appears to be another space
station, "The Incubator". Once your shuttle docks, you need to
depart and make your way into the level.

You will come to a mostly darkened room.
As you enter the room, a door on the far side will open, and some
alien bastards will come out to try and get you. After
disposing of them, you will need to flip the yellow switch
in-between two closed windows.

Doing so will open up a couple of doors on the other side of the room,
as well as light the place. The door you will want to take is in
the corner, and is the one that touches the floor. The other door
that is in the middle of the wall doesn't go anywhere, although there's
an Atomic health up there if you need it. Going through this
doorway will reveal an incline. Take it, and you will come to two
closed doors. Going near them triggers the doors, and drops them
so you can pass.

The room in here is quite interesting in that the room forms before your
eyes. You will also see here another inclined hallway
leading out of this room. Take it. This room has some
lizard troopers, and a sentry drone to deal with, not to mention some
turrets, so there will be some combat here. Once the room cools
down, you will find a switch next to a security monitor in the corner of
the room. Flip it, this disables a security forcefield
elsewhere in the level.

After flipping the switch, you will need to make your way backwards a
bit, and go back to the door near the giant EDF logo on the wall that
was previously blocked by a red forcefield. Going through this
forcefield will reveal an armory. It is not locked, open it
to get an RPG and some other weapon ammo. It will be helpful in
this area. From here you are presented with a choice of
directions to go, either left or right. You will want to go
left, where the Octabrain is. What isn't as visible is there are
several slimer eggs here, and the place will be crawling with slimers to
climb on your face. This is where the RPG is useful - send a
few rockets down there to clear a path. You will need to go
to the door at the end of this path. There are a few more slimer
eggs there, too - take 'em out.

Once through all this, you need to open
the door and head in. At the bottom of a ramp is the yellow
key next to a locked screen door. If you look through
the screen, you will see a large area with water; this is where the
end of the level is, but you can't get to it from here.

Once you grab the yellow key, you need
to make your way back to the armory door from a few steps ago, and
keep going down the right hand path now. There are
several more slimers this way as well, so take 'em out.
You will get to the end of this path where you can use the yellow
key to unlock the door next to the yellow keycard slot.

After unlocking this door and opening it, you will be shot at
immediately. Inside this room is a turret as well as an Enforcer
(depending on the difficulty you are playing). There are
some pipebombs off to the side in this room. If you are
quick enough, you can grab them, and send in a pipebomb to the other
side of the room, taking out both the turret and the Enforcer.
This will be helpful, as you have to do something else in this room, and
them shooting at you is rather annoying.

One the room has been cleared out, you
will see a recessed switch in a wall. Shoot it, and another
door will close, blocking off the switch from being used again.
Once you hit the switch, you need to exit the room, and the previous
"end of the hallway" you were at a minute ago is no longer the end.
You will see the large wall that was there is in the process of
dropping into the floor, revealing the path to go next.

Hopping up onto the new area will show a
large waterfall, which you will need to jump into. It will
take you to a ledge with a large room full of slimer eggs - several
of which hatch upon your arrival into the room. This is
the final room in the level, and there are a barrage of slimers all
over the place. They can sometimes get in the way of
your rocket shots, and you will shoot yourself in the face, so be
careful where you point your RPG.

The way out of the room is actually
straight in front of you. The crosshair in the above
screenshot shows the way. It is, however, closed.
You open it up by flipping a switch on a platform on the left side
of the room. This switch is shown in the screenshot
above with the "Flip this" text. Doing so will open up the
door, allowing you to pass. It is however, like the rest of
the room, inundated with Octabrains and slimers, so take 'em out to
clear a path.

Going through the door revealed here
will present a final couple of Octabrains; take them out, and slam
the exit to be taken to Level 3, "Warp Factor".
