Spin Cycle
Episode 2, Level 6 (Secret
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Spin Cycle is a very small level.
It is named the way it is because the overwhelming majority of the
area in this level is a giant rotating path. Kind of like the
spin cycle in a clothes washer, hence the name. This
level is primarily a Dukematch level, this is borne out by the fact
that there are no secrets in this one. You can play it single
player, and we will show you how below, but it can be handled fairly
quickly (aside from the level's combat). The way out of
the level is actually in the middle of the level. The middle
of the level is blocked by four doors, that look like this:

You get into the center of the level by
opening up various panels, which correspond to the four sections on
the outside of the "spin cycle". You start off the level in
one of them, as shown above. Inside each of these four rooms
is a metal door that looks like this.

Open the door and go in. When you
go into the room, two additional small wall panels will drop on
either side of a switch. Go collect the various items that are
now available, as you will need them as the level progresses.
They range from ammo to health to other objects. Once
you've done that, you need to flip the switch. This will open
a door in the central area of the level.

Flipping the switch above does open one
of the doors, but also reveals quite a few enemies. Fat
commanders, lizard toopers, sentry drones, etc. You will
need to get rid of them, because the next step is inside the room
they were in. This will also introduce you to combat on this
level, which can be quite interesting. If you are standing on
the "spin cycle", your shots will rarely go where you want them to
go, because they will be bound by the physics of the spin as well.
This works both for and against you. If you can get behind
enemies going backwards on the cycle, their shots will go away from
you, and you can shoot at them - assuming you can aim well enough.
If you hover over the "spin cycle" in a jetpack, your shots will go
straight. A nice trick if you have a jetpack.
Anyway, once you have disposed of all the enemies that have come
out, you will need to go up into that room. You will see
another switch which will look similar to the one you flipped a few
minutes ago. You need to flip this switch as well. After
doing so, the switch will look like this:

This will appear to have done nothing, however, it is part of a switch
group. You need to flip all four of these switches on the inside
of the "spin cycle" before the walls to the inner room are opened.
At this point, you need to repeat the same process above until you have
opened up all four doors on the inside of the level, killing the group
of enemies that come out, and flipping the switch like shown above.
Since it is an identical process, we will not be repeating the screen
captures for all of them, just make sure that all four switches look
like the one above. If you cannot access the inner section of the
level, that means that one (or more) of the switches have not yet been
The "spin cycle" can be used to create
quite humorous moments where literally dozens of enemies are stuck
going around in a circle. If you can lead them on there,
there's a good chance most of them will get stuck going around in a
circle. :)
Anyway, once you do open the fourth
inner switch, the inner walls will drop, revealing the central room.
Depending on which side of the room you happen to enter on, you may
or may not immediately see the exit. The exit is on one
of the walls of the central column of this room, as shown below:

Actually walking into this room will trigger two Battlelords who will
drop into the room and pretty much kick your ass. If you are
lucky, and can pull it off, you can use the shrinker on them, and step
on 'em. Or, you can lure them out onto the "spin cycle"
(assuming you don't get killed trying), which will get them stuck out
there for awhile.
There are two other ways way to get to
the exit that are easier than fighting the Battlelords. First,
you can jump to the exit instead of walking. Walking on the
floor sets off the Battlelords, if you jump to the ledge, it can
work, assuming you don't then fall back off onto the floor. If
you have any jetpack power left, you can jetpack over to the exit.
If you never actually touch the floor, the Battlelords will not show
up, making things a heck of a lot easier.

Hitting the exit will take you into
Level 7, "Tiberius Station" (the
next "regular" level). |