Occupied Territory
Episode 2, Level 5
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Occupied Territory starts off in a non
descript room with doors closed in front of you. Turn around
and flip a switch to open the doors. You will go through
a hallway and run into a wall with a giant EDF logo on it. Go
behind the wall, and you will see a control room off to the side
with a few lizard troopers. Take 'em out, and pick up the
medkit back here. There is also a ripper gun on the other side
of the EDF logo wall should you need a weapon as well.

Flipping the switch in the room will
open a large door in front of you, releasing several Enforcers.
After you fight through them, you will come to a smaller door.
Open the door, and it will reveal a very large room in front of you.

This large room has two fat commanders
on the other end, and as you move around to battle them, several
sentry drones will launch out of an alcove, and dive bomb you.
Once you clear out this room, you will want to go through the large
double doors at the other end of the room that you came in from.
This will leave you a small reddish room with some more doors on the
other side. Opening those doors will leave you in a large open
circular room.

As you make your way around this circular room, you will find several
locked doors you cannot get into. The way you want to go is
to look for a partially hidden path with some eggs visible. Crouch
down and go in this room.

Once inside, you will be in a room with a large ramp. At the
top of the ramp is a "people mover". When you are on the
people mover, there will be a gun at the end of the hallway shooting at
you, so be careful as you progress down this hallway. At the
other end of the hallway is a wall.

Going around the other side of the wall will reveal several enemies and
a fat commander guarding the red key. This room also has several
exploding canisters, so be careful back here with your combat.

Once the room is cleared out, take the
red key and head back across the people mover and back out into the
large circular room. Find the locked door where the red key

Using the red key will unlock the door
and extend a ramp which will allow you to go up into the rooms
behind the red door. At the top of the ramp is a large door
with a Battlelord image on it. Opening this door will reveal
one or two Battlelords, depending on your difficulty level.
The Battlelords are guarding the blue key. You have to either
run incredibly fast with a ton of health to get the key and get out,
or kill them. Either way, this is a major combat point, so be
prepared to spend some time in here.

Once you finally get a hold of the blue
key, you will come out of the Battlelord room. The door at the
bottom of the ramp is where the blue key goes. Go down there
and use it.

Once inside this room, you will see a switch at the far end of the room.
Go down there and flip the switch. There is also a medkit
back here which you should probably take and use, as you will likely be
very low on health at this point.

Flipping the switch will open up some
more doors in the large circular room. One of these
doors will have a security monitor and two hallways right inside the
door. It looks like this. It does not matter which
upward ramp you take, they both lead to the same place.

Once at the top of the ramps, you will
see a large window you can look out. There is a button to the
right of the window. Opening it will raise a wall on the other
side, revealing yet more Battlelords. You need to defeat
these guys to make it into the final room of the level.

Once you have defeated the Battlelords,
you need to make your way across the narrow pathway leading to where
they were standing. You will need to flip the switch you can
see in the right hand corner of the platform the right Battlelord
was standing on.

Doing so will reveal a small room with
the exit to the level.

Hitting the exit will take you into
Level 7, "Tiberius Station".
Or, you can use the instructions below to get to the first of the
two secret levels in this episode, "Spin Cycle".