Rabid Transit
Episode 3, Level
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Rabid Transit takes place mostly in a
subway track and stations. You start off in one of the outer
rooms of the subway. Make your way down the jagged rocks, and
go through the rotating door into the bookstore area. As you
move around in this area, enemies will spawn, so take them out.

When you first clear out this room, you
will see the train tracks, but you will want to turn around and deal
with some pig cops. If you do not, you will most definitely
get shot in the back.

After you've cleared out the train
station platform, you can turn your attention to the trains.
First off, there are several tripmines which block your path into
the trains. Take 'em out with a pipebomb or a rocket.

A few notes about the train tracks.
The train tracks themselves will not hurt you, you can quite easily
stand in the tracks. However, the same cannot be said for the
trains. If you are in there and a train comes by, it will kill
you. There are two two-car trains that go around the tracks,
they follow each other fairly closely, so a large gap happens after
the second train leaves the station and before the first one arrives
again. This is done so you can do the various things you need
to do on the "tracks". Sometimes you can have a train
hit you, and you will end up INSIDE the train, but that is a Build
engine oddity, you can't plan for that if a train is coming towards
When you're ready get on one the second
train. The reason you don't want the first train is a move you
have to make requires you to jump off the train, and if you miss,
the second train will follow up quickly and crush you.
Once you get on the train, it will start going around the tracks.
It will pause at the other station as it makes its rounds.
That station is where you will eventually go with the blue key, but
that's not where you want to go right now. There are pig cops
on the station, so while the train is paused here, you may need to
fight a couple of them.

The blue key can be found on a platform
between this location and the main platform from earlier. If
you have a jetpack, you can get up there easy enough, but if you do
not, the way up is to jump off the train to the right side as it
passes by the platform (it is too high to just jump to from the

Once up on the platform, you will have
to combat a few Enforcers. Completing that task will give you
unobstructed access to the items up here - the blue key, a medkit,
and some ammo. You will need to make your way back to
the blue door. It is not advisable to run towards the trains,
it is best to run in the same direction they are going. You
can try jumping onto the train as it comes by again, but that
usually results in immediate death. Your best choice from here
is to jump onto the tracks, and run to the right. Make your
way back to the original platform, and get back on the train again,
going back to the blue key station. Running completely over
there on the tracks is an option too, but you will generally get run
over by trains that way. Whatever way you get there, use
the blue key to open up the door, and it will reveal more of the
secondary station:

Once inside the station, make your way
to the far end, and go around the corner. There is a water
fountain here you can use to health up if you need to. Take a
look up the stairs, but don't actually go up there. At
the far end, you will see something that will look like this (if you
could get close enough without dying):

The reason you don't want to go up here
is two fold. First, about halfway up the stairs a Battlelord
will spawn behind you. Second, when you do get up here,
all the exploding canisters will get set off, likely killing you.
Your best best is to shoot a rocket up there to blow up all the
canisters. This will then spawn a few Octabrains; head back
out onto the platform to take them out. STAY OFF THE STAIRS,
or you'll be adding a Battlelord to the mix!

Once you've taken out the Octabrains,
you will notice a new hole has opened in the wall. Depending
on how your Octabain combat went, you may have already released him,
but if not, a Fat Commander will come after from behind the newly
opened area.

Once you take care of him, jump up into
the hole, and turn to your right. A red key is here.
Take it. There is a room behind some fire here with some
additional ammo to take. Again, stay off the stairs unless you
want a Battlelord to fight!

The door for the red key is on the inner
wall of the train tracks on the opposite side from the platform
where the blue key was. You cannot get to it while on a train,
so this next part requires you to run around in the tracks.
Make sure you time your run well so you do not get run over by a
train. Find the red door on the tracks, and get in

Once inside, it will reveal a circular
room with a few Fat Commanders. Head down either stairwell to
get to the bottom where you will see a pool with a podgirl on the
other side. If you happen to take out the podgirl during
your Fat Commander combat you're going to add about half a dozen
Octabrains to the mix. :(

There is a huge crack in the wall at the
end of one of the large bookshelves here. Normally this
indicates a secret, but this time it does not. If you blow it
up, a large explosion will be set up. Once it dies down, you
will see that this merely opens up a shortcut to the train tracks.
It is primarily meant for Dukematch play. You will now
need to go into the water and submerge. Down here are a few
Octabrains to take out. After that, there is a small opening
at the far end of the room. Take it, and surface, you will be
in front of the exit.

Hit it and be taken to Level 8, "Fahrenheit". |