Hotel Hell
Episode 3, Level 9
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Hotel Hell is a fairly complex level
with lots of bits that interconnect, so you will be spending a lot
of time here. You start off inside some rocks at the back end
of an alley out back of the hotel. Make your way out of the
starting spot, and head over to the door area. You will find a
locked blue key door, and a few pig cops and troopers. Take
them out. The dumpster you see to your right in the shot below
has a pig cop inside it too, so if you have any, a pipebomb thrown
in there will do quite nicely. As you progress in the area,
additional pig cops will spawn, so you will have several to deal
with initially.

Once you've taken care of all that, you
need to jump up on top of the dumpster (pick up a medkit in here if
you need it), and then jump up onto the ledge where the air
conditioning unit is (1). From there, you need to then jump on
the air conditioning unit (2), and then to the upper level of this
area (3).

This uppermost area contains the blue
key. Go grab it, and make your way back down to the ground and
unlock the blue key door here.

Once through the door, make your way
down a hallway. When you get to the first turn a large will
will explode, which can cause you damage if you get too close, so be
careful. There is a bathroom to the right where the explosions
were. In there is some health and ammo, so make use of it if
you need it. Also, the large room to your left is initially
dark. There is a light switch here that will illuminate the
room; again it is probably useful to turn the lights on, so you can
see enemies further away.

Going into the large room will reveal
two locked yellow doors you cannot get through quite yet, and an
exit door to another back alley. That is somewhere else you do
not want to be yet. You want to make your way to the
back area, where there is a wooden looking office, and
unfortunately, a Battlelord. You'll need to take him down.
You can ignore him, and run past, but you have to make your way back
through here again later, so it might be easier overall to dispatch
this Battlelord.

After taking out the Battlelord, you
will find a pair of double glass doors. There is no switch or
panel to open them, just blast your way through.

Make your way out into the alley, and
you will be attacked from several sides. There's flying pig
cop cars, Enforcers, and pig cops. You will see several of
them coming through some windows in the end of the alley. Once
you've cleared up the combat, go jump into one of those windows.

Once you get inside the room, take out
any remaining enemies that might still be lingering. You will
see a Devastator on a table in the middle of the room, as well as
several healths and a painting on the wall at one end of the room.
When you get near the painting, a hidden compartment will reveal
itself, and the yellow key.

Grabbing the yellow key will spawn a Fat
Commander right outside the window, blocking your exit. Deal
with him, and then head back inside the hotel to the large room you
were in a few minutes ago. You can get there by backtracking
through the broken glass doors, or down the other side of the alley.
Both lead back to the room you want to be in. Make your way to the
yellow key doors. The key actually unlocks both at the same
time. The left door is a set of stairs, and the right is an
elevator. Both lead to the same place.

At the top of the elevator/stairs, you
will have several enemies attacking you, more join in the more you
move around, so be careful. You will be in a bar area here
with some fish tanks in the back.

You need to make your way into the pool
area. You can get there by going around the bar, or through
the bar. Either way leads you to the same place. Take
out the various troopers around the pool area, and then head
underwater, where you have some Octabrains to take care of.

If you submerge in the water, you will
see a crack at the far end of the pool. Sending a pipebomb or
rocket over there reveals a rather large open area. Swim in
there, and if you submerge on the other side of this new area, you
will find yourself back in the bathroom at the start of the level.
This is a good shortcut for Dukematch, but not terribly useful in
single player.

Anyway, back to the pool area.
Resurface from the pool, and you will see a sign on the side that
says "Lifeguard not on duty". Jump on the ledge above this
sign, and you will see several Enforcers on the other side of the
courtyard. If you have any RPG ammo, now is the time for
that. Take 'em out. You don't really have to do
this now, but if you don't, you'll have a lot of close combat later,
as the end of the level is over there. A shortcut here is if
you have the jetpack, you can go fly over there, and avoid a few
more steps in the level).

Anyway, after you are done with this,
head out from the pool area, and you will find yourself in a long
hallway with several pig cops in it, and some rooms to the left, as
well as a few fire extinguishers on the right. (You can enter
this hallway from the other side, in which case the wall references
here will be reversed).

Take out the pig cops, and explore the
two hotel rooms off of this hallway, and pick up some health and
armoer. If you can avoid it, do not shoot at the fire
extinguishers at this time, because doing so will do this..

They take out most of the wall here, and
several enemies are out there, not the least of which is a Fat
Commander, and yes. ANOTHER BATTLELORD! If you take
these out before going in the rooms, they will likely be waiting for
you when you come out of the rooms. You can jump down
and fight them in the street, but it's somewhat easier (at least for
the Battlelord) to fight them staying up in the hotel room hallway.
You can also retreat to a water fountain here if need be during the

Once you have cleared out the street,
you need to make your way all the way back to the start of the
level. Once you have arrived, you need to use the same
1-2-3 dumpster, air conditioner, ledge jumping move you made to get
the blue key. Only this time, the windows up there will
be open. If you fought all the Enforcers from the pool area
across the courtyard, you won't have any combat here, but if you did
not, it's big battle time. Once you go inside this room, you
will see a vent at the far end. If the grate has not been
blown out already, do so and go in.

The resultant path of vents will lead
you eventually to drop into a small room that contains the exit.

Hit it and be taken to Level 11, "Stadium",
which is the final level of this episode.
There is, however a secret level exit
elsewhere in this level. Click here for
details. |