Going Postal
Episode 4, Level
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As it's name implies, Going Postal takes
place around a post office. An interesting little
factoid about the post office in this level. The exterior is
modeled after the real life post office that houses the PO Boxes
that we as a company have had for about 20 years now. Here is
a comparison shot of the game vs the real life post office:

The level starts in a back alley.
Go forward to the main area. On your way past, pick up some
pipebombs in the trash dumpster, and you can health up with the
water that is here, too.

Kick or shoot out the glass to get into
the Post Office. You can look around in the lobby, there's
some weapons and a turret in here, when you've finished, make your
way into the front counter of the place.

Once in here, take out the pig cop
behind the counter, and any other enemies that might be here.
Once you've done that, you will see a switch behind the counter.
Flip it, and it will open the two mail slots in the room a bit wider
so you can fit through. Take either of the paths, they both go
to the same place.

You will come out in a small room with
several slimer eggs that will hatch upon your entrance to the room.
There is also an RPG here. Take out the slimers and grab the
rocket, and make your way up the stairwell at the far end of the
room (where you will be attacked by a couple of Enforcers and a Pig

Once you get to the top of the
stairwell, take a left. This leads to the bathroom area.
Head in here and take out the resistance. There is a Simpsons
reference on the wall here. Written next to the bathroom is
the message "Trab pu kcip!", which read backwards spells "Pick Up
Bart!". This is a reference to a February 1993 Simpsons
episode entitled "Brother
from the Same Planet".

Once you take out the Pig Cop (and
anyone else who might be in here), you'll want to open the lockers
on one side of the room. The third from the left contains the
blue key. Pick it up.

Once you have the blue key, make your
way down to the far end of the hallway where you will find the blue
key door. Open it up, and make your way into the next room.
You will need to make your way onto the conveyor belt, and follow it
for awhile. All kinds of enemies will try and take you out
and/or knock you off the belt, so be vigilant.

The conveyor will eventually leave you
in a room that looks like the shot below. Get off the belt at
this point and take out the various enemies here. On top of
that, there is a Devastator on the crates to your right, and several
slimer eggs in the back. It might be best for you to take them
out now. If you continue to follow the belt from this point,
it will eventually go to a small hole in the floor you cannot fit
through, so you no longer need to follow this belt.

After you've taken out all of the
enemies here, you will find a small door one one side of the room
that looks like this. Push it and enter the room.

There is a Pig Cop in here as well as
some more slimers. Take them out, and you will notice several
exploding canisters. If you blow them up, it will open up a
door with a very quick path back to the front of the Post Office.
It will also release a Pig Cop Tank into your area, so you want to
avoid that. Also in this room is the other side of the
conveyor belt you were following.

Once you have cleared out the enemies in
this room, get back on the conveyor and start following it again.
In several places here you will have to crouch to get through the
path the conveyor will take you. Follow it around, but
right before the conveyor drops you back into the room you started
in, you will see the red key (as well as a medkit) here. Pick
them up before dropping back out into the large room.

Go back onto the conveyor again, and
follow it back to the large room where the crates and the Devastator

The back of this room contains doors
that lead to the back yard of the Post Office. They are locked
with the red key, so head over there and open up one of the doors.
Only one will open up, and even then not fully - but it will be
enough for you to get out.

The first area you get to has a mail
truck as well as several Enforcers to deal with. Take them
out, and then make your way past the flaming truck that is on its

Going past the flaming truck will put
you in an alley with a couple of turns. You will eventually
find yourself looking at what appears to be some sort of military

This is where you want to go, but
unfortunately, going back there will unleash probably the most
intense combat moment in the entire game. Quite a ton of
enemies are unleashed on your position, and you are pretty much
trapped back here. Waves of Enforcers, Pig Cops,
troopers, Pig Cop tanks will just rain down on your position here.
There are some weapons in here, but it REALLY helps to have some
before you get here. You can somewhat help your situation if
you lay some trip mines on your way down to the bunker. Also,
there are a few switches back here, they will set off the red "dots"
on the side walls. Several large explosions will go off, this
is your lone defense, other than weapons, so make use of them well.

When you have eventually cleared out
this epic level horde, make your way back down the alley, and you
will see a garage door has opened. In it is some ammo as well
as health, and the yellow key.

Unfortunately, a Battlelord will be
blocking your way back out past the flaming turned over vehicle.
You will want to take him out, because if you don't, he's likely to
shoot you in the back while you are trying to hit the exit (which is

Once you take this guy out, and make
your way over to the yellow key door, you will discover that there
is yet one last Battlelord to deal with. Again, you can try
ignoring him, but that is usually fatal.

Once it is safe, open up the yellow key
door, which will reveal the level exit.

Hitting the exit and be taken to Level 8,
"XXX-Stacy". |