As you start the level the two brothers will be on your right. After taking care of them check the letter on the desk. Then prepare for the 3 guys that are getting ready to burst through the door.

After taking care of the guys head
downstairs. At the bottom of the stairwell to your left is a
bathroom that has a few painkillers in it. Also, a few of
the drawers of the lobby area have some Beretta ammo in them.

After grabbing the painkillers, head to
the big glass windows. Burst through them and take a left.
There will be 3 guys just inside the
door to get back inside.

You can either just kill them and progress, or
you can blow up the canisters, blowing them up, as well as some crates in the
corner from which you can get some ammo.

Head down the hall and use the stairway
to get to the next level.

The first room on the left will have a thug sitting. Don't give him a chance
to get to his shotgun. Continue down the hall.

Head into the room right before the TV to get some painkillers.

There will be another thug watching TV,
once he is alerted, 2 more will come from the exit at the far end of the

After disposing of all those thugs, head
into the bathroom at the end of the hall for some more painkillers.
There will be 2 more thugs when you go through the exit. They will be
separated into two different rooms, one on each side of the hall.

After they are dead blow the lock on the door at the end of the hall to continue on. After the next small room you are going to have 4 more thugs to deal with. 2 at your right at the
soda machine and 2 to your left down the hall.

After they are dead head into the room on the right and use the
TV. Also in the room next to the TV, there is ammo on a shelf, and a
painkiller in the (closed) cabinet. Grab them, then move on.

When you come to the junkie on the ground
there's some ammo in a corner past him. After that, in the next hall down and to your right are 4 more thugs. Then continue down the hall to room 313. There is a shotgun booby trap on the door so dive in,
or open the door and move out of the way real quickly.

Check out the letter on the table and get all the goodies and move on. Back at the circular hall where you capped the 4 thugs, 3 more guys will come out of the locked door. After taking care of them blast the heater to send it falling through the floor.

There will be 2 guys to take care of as soon as you fall, and one more crouching behind some boxes on the left. Then move on.

Go into room 216 and check out the hooker's diary. Then head through her secret door in her cabinet.
On one of the shelves mixed in with videotapes is some more ammo.
Grab that.

Go through the door on the other side. Take a left, there will be 3 guys at the service elevator.

Use the button to open the elevator. Then use the button inside to finish the chapter.
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to the next level ]
This walkthrough was created by
Charles Adams.
It originally appeared online
Reprinted with permission. |