September 4, 1998

Battle Damaged Duke Action Figures

No, it's not another Duke Nukem Action Figure. Well, not really. We got an Email submission the other day from a user who had played with his Duke action figure, and had created what he calls his "Battle Damaged Duke Action Figure". Shown to your right here, this figure was modified by Ross Baker, who sent us the pictures. We thought they looked kinda cool, so we posted them here. Also included here are other pictures he sent us which are things like the weapons, the shareware CD that came with some Duke action figures, and Duke's severed hand. Anyway, check out these pictures, they're pretty cool! You can click on any of them for a larger version. Thanks to Ross for sending these along and giving us permission to put them on our web page.


Posted by Joe Siegler on September 4, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Duke Nukem