January 20, 1999

Interview with GOD

Mike Wilson of Gathering of Developers was interviewed recently by Extreme Games. Gathering of Developers are the folks who are publishing the forthcoming Max Payne from Remedy Entertainment and 3D Realms. Here's a bit from the interview..

*EG: What company has been the easiest to deal with? Mike Wilson: Hmmm... 3D Realms has been pretty painless, I suppose.

*(When asked about Remedy) Mike Wilson: Yeah, we met at E3 and again at ECTS. We're in touch constantly over the internet, and since they work with 3Drealms on Max Payne, the communication has been fine. They have been quite the diamond in the rough, those Finnish boys. I'm hoping to meet them again this Spring, and they'll definitely be out again for E3 to blow people away with Max Payne once again.

Posted by Joe Siegler on January 20, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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