Duke Trinkets Still Available
If you just can't get enough Duke, then we have a news item for you! There's several new Duke Nukem items now available, from keychains, to money clips, to dog tags, earrings, and much more! Make sure and check out the Queen Village Trinkets web site. Who are they? Here's a bit of what they have to say about themselves:
The online gaming jewelry store, Our Store is located in Central New York, And you're welcome to stop by anytime. We carry over 700 product for twenty different manufactures, We also offer a complete repair shop for our local customers needs. Over A year ago I decided to make some custom gaming jewelry for our clan, and that started it all.
They have several new Duke Nukem items that you can purchase on their site (although there are only a couple of sample photos of the Duke items). They also sell Quake & Quake II versions of just about all of these items as well. The full list of Duke Nukem items available are:
*Sterling Silver Key Chain (shown here)
*Brass Key Ring (shown here)
*Sterling Silver Necklace
*Sterling Silver Charm Necklace
*14k Necklaces
*Sterling Silver Lapel Pin
*14k Gold Lapel Pin
*Sterling Silver / Nickel Money Clip
*14k Gold / Sterling Money Clip
*Sterling Silver Earrings
*Sterling Silver Dog Tag
*Brass Lapel Pin (not ready yet)
*Brass/Nickel Silver Money Clip (not ready yet)
You can order all of these items (except the ones that say not ready) from the QVT Web Site. Their web site also gives a little more in the way of descriptions of these products. Shortly, I will be setting up some info pages on our site about these products once I get some more sample pictures of the rest of these items. In the meantime, make sure and pay a visit to the Queen Village Trinkets Web Site. There's some really cool items available here.

Posted by Joe Siegler on January 20, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Duke Nukem