September 20, 1999

A Duke Nukem Shrine!

Occasionally, we get fan emails and letters from fans showing us their setups or pictures of themselves playing our games. It's always cool to see feedback like this from our fans, but this time, we wanted to point out some pictures of a Duke Nukem Shrine that were sent to us recently. These come from 15 year old Duke fan Ross Baker from Wisconsin. Here's a little of what Ross had to say about himself:

My name is Ross Baker, and I live in Wisconsin... yup, I think that's about it.. I'm 14... turning 15 on the eighth, and I am extremely obsessed with the Duke. I got my hair done like his, and I have a full hand-made costume. (I have the red shirt with the yellow fallout shelter symbol on it now, so I wear that instead of the marines one.)

Ross refers to his "Duke costume", which we don't have a picture of, but sounds cool. Here are the pictures he sent us of some of his Duke Shrine:

Ross also tells us everything that's in his shrine pictures:

Oh, while I'm at it, I might as well tell you what I have.. in the pic Shrineone, from top left to bottom right, I have: The Original Duke Nukem 3D box, the Duke Nukem plutonium pack box, the Duke it out in DC box, the Duke X-treme box, Duke Nukem atomic edition (not opened) box, Special edition (adult) note for Atomic Edition, Duke! Zone manual, SWAT Duke (My 2nd most valued thing), PC Gamer Cover, Time To Kill secret pamphlet (on a tilt), the inside cardboard thingies for the Battlelord, Pigcop, N-Strike, and Octabrain figures, Duke Nukem figure that doesn't have the Freezethrower or the Shareware CD (Not opened), Octabrain figure, Battle-Damage Duke box (I made), Duke Nukem figure without the CD, box, or Words "Duke Nukem" on that cardboard thingy (Not opened), Duke Nukem 1, episode one 5 1/2 inch floppy disk, (Hey, I like the game! Even if Duke is only 9 pixels...) Duke Nukem 2 shareware diskette, Duke's Car, with working gatling gun, and lights, (Got it from somewhere, put the gun on it, and said, hey.. Duke might like this...) Some shotgun shell's and fake (FAKE!) pipebombs, and of course my bandolier... or something like that. (The thing that holds shells, like in the RossisDuke picture.)

And in the Close-up picture: Duke Nukem limited edition statue (My most valued piece), Duke Nukem action figure, Octabrain action figure, Pigcop figure hidden behind Duke, Night-Striker Duke, Battle-Damage Duke (Sitting), Pigcop "Pong" piece (It's got a mad pic on it with red eyes, so, what the hey, ya know?), A name-tag that spells out DUKE in red (Laying on the table), and a battle-lord action figure.

Whew! I think that's it.. I have more stuff, but I need more room!

Ross had sent us some pictures some time ago of his "Battle Damaged" Duke Nukem action figures. If you'd like to see that, check out our September 1998 entry about Ross's figures.

If you have a Duke Shrine, or have pictures of cool Duke stuff like this, send it our way. We're looking at starting a section about things like this if we get enough submissions. It can be about any of our games, it doesn't have to be Duke Nukem, either.

Posted by Joe Siegler on September 20, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Duke Nukem