November 12, 1999

More Duke Nukem Forever Wallpapers

Andy over at Andy's DNF! Zone has done it again. Late last month, he released a new self created Duke Nukem Forever wallpaper. It was made up of a few screenshots, as well as character art that's appeared here and there on the net. They were (and still are) extremely good. However, a couple of days after that release, we put out the new batch of screenshots.

Well, that sent Andy back to the drawing board, and he's come up with two more wallpapers based on the new set of Duke Nukem Forever shots. Below are a couple of small thumbnails of them - for full size versions and to see the other wallpapers Andy has, make sure to check out Andy's

Posted by Joe Siegler on November 12, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Duke Nukem Forever