January 3, 2000

Welcome Back!

From Joe Siegler: "No big Y2K blowup, no power outages, and no need to be hiding in a bomb shelter. We're all still here - and today's the day that most of us are back in town after the holiday break. It's good to be back, saw a lot of movies over the holiday, and spent time with family - you know, important stuff. Anyway, now that I'm back, I'll have some news to report on.

But before I get to the news, I want to pass along another Holiday card to everyone - this time from Remedy Software, the makers of Death Rally and the forthcoming Max Payne. There is a front and a back to the card - click on either thumbnail below to see a larger image. Also, don't forget to check out the 3D Realms Christmas card that is also available online.

Posted by Joe Siegler on January 3, 2000 at 11:00 AM | Permalink
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