April 11, 2000

Scott Miller Interview

Over the weekend, the site Hypothermia posted an interview with Scott Miller. However, it's not your usual run of the mill interview. In the words of the interviewer, "When most people request interviews of the 3DRealms bunch. . . . it inevitably comes down to "What's up with DNF" or the classic. . . "Hey can I have an exclusive scoop or story??"" This interview is about Scott Miller himself, and his past, and true to his word, has nothing about Duke Nukem Forever. Well, OK, it has one small comment, but this really is about Scott, and not about our games. Here's a sample..

Q: What's the most annoying thing to deal with as a a Game Making Guru.

A: I'm no more a "guru" than anyone else. ;-) And seriously, there's nothing I find all too annoying about working in an industry that's all about making and playing games. As a game player like everyone else, though, I do find it annoying that so many games are released about two to three months too soon, when they could have used that extra development time for that extra polishing that makes a good game nearly perfect.

Q: Tunes of Choice??

A: I�m a hardcore drummer (been playing for 20 years) and I love pre-1985 Rush with Neil Peart behind the pig skins. Also Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and other guitar instrumentalists. I like the band concept in which the band actually creates and physically plays their own music, which rules out pseudo-bands like NSYNC, or bands that program their music on a computer. Big whoop.

Posted by Joe Siegler on April 11, 2000 at 1:30 PM | Permalink
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