Max Payne Daily Review
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Ever since The Matrix appeared in theatres, the gaming public has been clamoring for a computer offering which features the same shooting action and slow-mo sequences. Your prayers have been answered, Spanky, because we have Max Payne. Bullet Time is awesome to behold...To complete the package, a very good story (best since Half Life) drives the action. I actually felt bad for Max after learning the entire story.
Much buzz was produced from the sporadically released screenshots and movies, but let me tell you, folks: they don't do the game justice. Each level is an exercise in beauty and graphical realism.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:30 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Rating: 92%
With a great story driving the title, this is the best action movie you won't see on the big screen this summer! Go get it!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:00 PM
Max Payne Goes to Bed!
From our forums comes a cool story of someone really really being into Max Payne. A forum member of ours named "Shai" had repainted their bedroom with the Max Payne logo. Check it out:

Here's what he had to say about the wall painting.. "It all started when I had repainted my room. I want to add something to it, to make it spicier. Well, I had an idea which came true just a few moments ago. I made a giant, Max Payne Logo and put on my wall."
This was one of the cooler fan submissions we've ever gotten - there's more pictures of the wall in our fan stuff page - check it out.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:00 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
By adopting a movie-enhanced storyline and a third-person perspective, Remedy is doing something that really hasn't been attempted before. Max Payne gets high marks for its revolutionary advances in gameplay and overarching narrative. Well worth the wait, I recommend you buy it today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:55 AM
Max Payne Daily Review
Avid Gamer
Rating: 94%
The gameplay factor leaves almost no room for improvement. The ideas that were implemented simply amaze me.
Star Tribune
(no rating)
[Max Payne] is more than a hardboiled detective story. Along the way, Max will bridge the game between Marlowe, a character from the 1940s and '50s, and modern sci-fi films ("The Matrix") and gritty cop movies ("L.A. Confidential"). How can so many genres meet in one computer game? Because Max Payne may be the best interactive shooting game ever marketed. Even the structure of the game is intriguing...and ensures that it will spawn hordes of copycats.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:30 PM
Max Payne Goes Kung Fu!
A few weeks ago we alerted you to an extra cool Max Payne mod - we're doing it again. There's a new mod out now called "The Max Payne Kung Fu Edition" mod, and if you have the registered version of Max Payne, you should check it out. Here's some info from the mod's readme file:
Max Payne now knows kung fu. Besides that and some other minor adjustments, the game play is essentially the same as the original.
- An experimental hand-to-hand kung fu combat system.
- New kung fu style dodging.
- New action camera effects.
- Minor weapon adjustments and more ammo, with some new weapon sounds (and weapon sounds are now loud).
- More decals.
- BNZ's Level Selector (contact BNZ at [email protected])
- Sniper bullet can now cut through an entire line of enemies.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:30 PM
More Max Payne Reviews
(no rating)
In the hit computer game Max Payne, death � la "The Matrix" comes with a cost: Your own tortured soul. Interwoven with a realistic, compelling story, a postmodernist's sense of ironic wit and, even more startling, a strong moral tone...Max Payne may be the one that finally advances the genre, and our expectations for it -- and in the process, it may be the game that finally forces the industry to grow up.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:35 PM
Max Payne Screenshot Contest
We've decided to run a Max Payne screenshot contest! We want you to send in your best Max Payne screenshots in the following categories:
1. Action -- Looking for a shot that shows cool action, maybe a gunfight or an explosion, etc. This shot might show slow motion action, and might include bullets caught in flight (either from Max's weapon, or heading toward Max, or both).
2. Cool moves -- This show shows Max and/or other characters involved in a John Woo-style move, evading danger or upholding the law with lead teeth.
3. Humor -- This is a shot that is in some way funny or unexpected. We'll leave it at that!
We'll have three winners in three categories. Each winner gets a T-shirt, and strategy guide and a collectable game box signed by the entire Remedy team.
Every person can submit only one screen shot per category, for a total maximum of three screen shots - Please do not resubmit saying "Please use this one over the other one I sent" - make sure your best shot is sent in first, as multiple submissions will be rejected. Also, do not edit the shots in any way - the point here is to come up with good Max Payne screenshots, not to see how good you are with Photoshop or some other editing tool.
The shots will be judged by Remedy and 3D Realms, who'll pick the winners. Each category will have a unique winner (a single person cannot win in more than one category). The winners will be announced in the first week of October, and the prizes will then be sent out ASAP. You can send in your submissions to [email protected]. If you are sending in more than one at a time, please zip them up to make sorting easier on this end. You can also put them online somewhere, and send in an email link to the screenshot(s).
This contest is open to anyone, and will close on September 30th.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:45 AM
Max Payne Daily Review
Read Review Here
Rating: 4 of 4 Stars
Max Payne redefines every standard for third-person action games, setting new highs in graphics, sound, control and sheer depth of game play and story. The graphics are a step above anything else on the market, and the sound effects, such as when your heart thumps during Bullet Time, are inspired. Max Payne is a clear favorite for Game of the Year on the PC. Play it and you'll see why.
You can read more reviews in our news archive.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:35 PM
Max is #1 for the Seventh Week!
http://www.elspa.com/research/ [ELSPA]
Since it's release, Max Payne has been the number one PC game on the European Leisure Software Publishers Association, and also ranked either #2 or #3 on the All Formats list for those seven weeks (well ahead of other PC games), competing with the likes of Gran Turismo 3 and Tony Hawks, both high-selling console games.
If you haven't tried Max yet to see what all the hoopla is about, go here to try the recently released shareware demo.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:10 PM
More on New York
From Joe Siegler.. "As today starts, I find myself still not being able to come to grips with the events of yesterday, as I'm sure most decent people can't. The video that CNN started showing last night of plane #2 was pretty intense (It's currently available here on CNN's site). Still seems like some sort of video game. Anyway, here's the latest updates from CNN as I get into the office this morning."
� The White House and Air Force One may have been targets of the terrorists responsible for the Pentagon attack, according to White House officials. That is why President Bush was flown from Florida to several military bases until his security in Washington could be guaranteed. Officials say the jet that slammed into the Pentagon may have been originally destined for the White House. (Full story)
� Maine's Department of Public Safety says officials seized a rental car at the Portland jetport, believing two of the hijackers may have used the car to travel between Portland and Boston.
� The Federal Aviation Administration has given clearance for flights diverted after Tuesday's terrorist attacks to continue on to their final destination Wednesday, but ordered all other commercial air traffic to remain grounded. (Full story)
� 80 bodies have been removed from the Pentagon. "Scores" of bodies have been located but not removed.
� Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admonished U.S. government officials for revealing classified data because it could "reduce the chances that the U.S. has to track down and deal with the people...who have killed so many Americans."
� A car is seized in Daytona Beach, Florida, with information relating to Osama bin Laden.
� The owners of a flight school in Venice, Florida, say that the FBI is investigating whether two former students were involved in the attacks.
� New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says that "the best estimate" for the number of dead could approach "a few thousand people ... in each building." As many as 300 firefighters and police officers are missing and feared dead. (Full story)
� Brokerage firm Morgan Stanley reports the "vast majority" of its 3,500 employees at the World Trade Center got out safely.
� The Taliban, who control 90 percent of Afghanistan, appeal to the United States to refrain from attacking their country.
� President Bush asks Congress for emergency funding to aid rescue and relief efforts and calls attacks "acts of war." (Full story)
� NATO is meeting to discuss invoking Article Five of its charter which would give a green light to the United States to retaliate once it determines who is responsible for Tuesday's attack and expediate assistance from other NATO members. (Full story)
� Intelligence sources tell CNN that at least two phone calls were intercepted between members of an organization connected with suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Phone calls mentioned that two targets had been hit. (Full story)
� Secretary of State Colin Powell says the coalition being formed will not stop at getting the people responsible for the attack, but will go after terrorists wherever they are found.
� The aircraft carrier USS George Washington has moved into New York Harbor
� New York rescuers are searching for two other people who have been in contact with authorities; six firefighters and three policemen were rescued early Wednesday, two other police officers were rescued Tuesday night. (Full story)
� New York Fire Chief Pete Ganci and First Deputy Commissioner of the Fire Department William Feehan have perished.
� Boston's Logan International Airport announces tightening of security. Among them: the airport will discontinue curbside baggage check-in and remove vehicles standing within 300 feet of front entrance. Car found at the airport, where two of the hijacked planes originated, contained a flight manual written in Arabic. Police and FBI investigators are examing the car. (Full story)
� Pentagon announces: Military jets will be seen in skies over New York and Washington for the next several days.
� Reports of three suspicious aircraft over Canada were checked out by Canadian authorities and found to be untrue, according to U.S. officials. Concern about the matter was prompted by a Canadian pilot who reported -- erroneously as it turned out -- that he was being followed by three other aircraft.
� New York City is closed to the public south of 14th Street.
� President Bush asks Congress for emergency funding to aid rescue and relief efforts and calls attacks "acts of war."
� NATO is meeting to discuss invoking Article Five of its charter which would give a green light to the United States to retaliate once it determines who is responsible for Tuesday's attack and expedite assistance from other NATO members.
� Intelligence sources tell CNN that at least two phone calls were intercepted between members of an organization connected with suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Phone calls mentioned that two targets had been hit.
� Law enforcement officials in South Florida say they tried to carry out search warrants based on information found in flight manifests, but the searches have yielded no evidence.
� New York rescuers are searching for two other people who have been in contact with authorities; two other police officers were rescued Tuesday night.
� Fire still smolders at the Pentagon, although the fire was under control by Wednesday morning. As many as 800 people there are still unaccounted for, but half of the building was to open on Wednesday.
� As many as 300 firefighters and police officers are missing and feared dead.
� New York Fire Chief Pete Ganci and First Deputy Commissioner of the Fire Department William Feehan have perished.
� Boston Herald reports that authorities seized a car at Logan Airport in Boston containing "suspicious materials," including Arabic language flight manuals. FBI spokeswoman would not confirm or deny that report.
� Although airlines were making tentative plans to begin resuming curtailed schedules, the unprecedented grounding of all flights in the United States remained in effect until at least noon Wednesday.
� Pentagon announces: Military jets will be seen in skies over New York and Washington for the next several days.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:30 PM
World Trade Center in New York
From Joe Siegler.. "My generation wasn't around for Pearl Harbor. I think we have a new date that will live in infamy. If you haven't heard already, there's been several (presumed) terrorist attacks on the US - the twin towers of the World Trade Center are gone. I was planning on leading with a news story with some more Max Payne reviews, but quite frankly, I don't feel like writing about that today. Get off the computer and go watch CNN or MSNBC or some other news station - most of the news related web sites are overloaded and unreachable."
UPDATE @ 1PM: As a lot of the "real" news sites like CNN, MSNBC are overloaded, here's some pieces of the ongoing news story (this was copied from the CNN site):
In the first attack, a plane hits the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers later collapse.
� About an hour later, a plane crashes into the Pentagon, part of which later collapses.
� American Airlines tells CNN that it lost two planes, both en route to Los Angeles: American Flight 11 from Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard is lost. This is believed, but not confirmed, to have been one of the planes that crashed into the trade center. ... American Flight 77, a Boeing 757 from Washington Dulles airport to Los Angeles with 58 passengers and six crew is unaccounted for. The jet that crashed into the Pentagon may have been this one, but that is still unknown.
� United Airlines loses two planes: United Airlines Flight 93 airliner headed from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, crashes near Somerset, Pennsylvania -- police say initial reports indicate no survivors. ... United confirms the crash of Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles with 56 passengers and seven crew aboard. It's possible, but not confirmed, that this is the second plane that hit the World Trade Center.
� The Pentagon, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington are evacuated.
� President Bush calls the crashes "a national tragedy." Later in the day, Bush issues a statement from Barksdale AFB near Shreveport, Louisiana. "Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
� In the first-ever national ground stop of aircraft, all flights nationwide are stopped at their departure airports.
� International flights are initially diverted to Canada; FAA says later, however, that 22 U.S.-bound international flights will be allowed to land.
� Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, says in reaction to the terror attacks that "we want to tell the American children that Afghanistan feels your pain and we hope that the courts find justice."
� In New York, more than 10,000 rescue personnel rush to the scene. Evacuation of lower Manhattan begins.
� Israel evacuates all of its missions around the world.
� The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is evacuated. CDC prepares bioterrorism teams in case they become necessary.
� Philadelphia landmarks are evacuated.
� In Chicago, the Sears Tower is evacuated; United Nations in New York is evacuated.
� The New York Port Authority closes all bridges and tunnels into the city.
� U.S. stock markets close after the New York attacks.
� NATO sends home all non-essential personnel from its Brussels, Belgium, headquarters.
� The Immigration and Naturalization Service puts the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada on highest state of alert.
� Los Angeles International Airport is evacuated.
� Disney closes its parks in Orlando, Florida, and Disneyland in Anaheim, California.
� FEMA implements plan established for such events: FBI leads investigation, and Justice Deptartment heads crisis management.
� Three Palestinian groups -- Hamas, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Islamic Jihad -- deny responsibility for the attacks, but blame U.S. policies in the Mideast.
� Mayor Anthony Williams of Washington, D.C., declares a state of emergency.
� A Delta flight makes emergency landing in Cleveland and all passengers are safely evacuated. Federal officials search the plane for a possible bomb.
George W Bush had this to say about the tragedy:
Today we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country. I have spoken to the vice president, to the governor of New York, to the director of the FBI, and I've ordered that the full resources of the federal government go to help the victims and their families and to conduct a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act.
Terrorism against our nation will not stand.
And now if you join me in a moment of silence.
May God bless the victims, their families and America. Thank you very much.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:15 AM
Max Payne Demo Available!
UPDATE! - Due to popular request, a separate page has been created for the Max Payne demo download mirrors (several sites requested that so they can have a permanent link). You can reach that location here:
You've waited for it, and the time has arrived! The Max Payne demo has been released. It's available now in several locations. The list will be expanding as we get new mirror info available - but for the time being, here is the mirror list. Do you have a mirror of the file available? If so, please drop us a line about it.
New location.
For more information on Max Payne, visit our Max Payne pages. You can buy the full version right now over at http://www.buymaxpayne.com (our online store for Max orders). Here are the system requirements for Max Payne (both the demo & full version).
Minimum Requirements:
450MHz AMD / Intel Processor
16MB Direct3D Compatible Graphics Card
Recommended System:
700 MHz AMD / Intel Processor
128 MB RAM
32 MB Direct3D Compatible Graphics Card
Generic requirements:
DirectX 8.0
DirectSound compatible sound card
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:34 PM
More on PC Gamer Article
Last Friday, we mentioned the outstanding review that Max Payne got in PC Gamer. On page 42 of the same issue, a few of the PC Gamer editors and writers give their comments about Max Payne, a game they all seemed to like:
*Rob Smith, Editor-in-Chief: "Max Payne...packs more memorable moments into its 15 hours than most 100-hour games."
*Corey Cohen, Managing Editor: "And a few hours of Max Payne got me super-psyched to play more -- bravo, Remedy!"
*Dan Morris, Executive Editor: "Max Payne. Say that name. Say it again. Now go out and buy this mo-fo. When you're lunging in slow motion through dank New York corridors, blasting bad guys in a quest for revenge, you'll know what I'm talking about."
*Li Kuo, Associate Editor: "Any game with the line 'with a bullet in his stomach like a broken jar of Tabasco' is a winner in my book. I'm talking about my man Max Payne. Finally, I can live my dream of being a hero in a John Woo movie. Time to make like Chow-Yun Fat..."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:15 AM
