It's Award Time!
The awards continue to roll in for Max Payne - this time around the award is from Gamespy. The award is the "Gamer's Choice PC Action Game of the year". Here's some of what they said on their web site about Max Payne:
It almost qualified as a landslide. When it came to action gaming, GameSpy's community voted overwhelmingly in favor of the king of payne. Max Payne, that is.
It was an action movie on your PC, something everyone's been hungry for, and the voting backs it up: Max Payne is the Gamer's Choice!
Check out the entire page, including the voting tally by clicking on the logo below.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:15 PM
Merry Christmas from 3D Realms
We'd like to take a minute and say Merry Christmas (Happy Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or whatever it is you celebrate this time of the year) to all our fans out there. 2001 has been a great year for 3D Realms with the release of Max Payne, and interest in Duke Nukem Forever remains high. We're glad at the reception that Max Payne has received this year.
We'd like to say thanks to all our fans out there with two small presents from us this holiday season. The first is an MP3 of the music from the E3 trailer that was released back in May. For months people have been asking us to release the music on it's own, and now we have. You can download a zip archive which contains an MP3 file of the E3 2001 Trailer music without any of the sound effects from the trailer.
The E3 trailer theme music is available here and here (and is about 2.5Mb). We hope you enjoy it. If you're interested, the E3 video is still available for download, you can get that here.
The second present isn't being released today - that is being released a week from now at New Year's (if all goes well), and we will announce what it is at this time. We can give you a small hint. It's of interest to old timers, and isn't Duke Nukem Forever related.
In other Christmas news, Remedy sent us their annual Christmas card (we at 3DR did not have one this year). If you'd like, you can view the Remedy Christmas card on our forums.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Rating: 98%
The graphics are stunning...the plot is awesome...there is no other game like this.
Rating: 94%
[T]he action game genre has progressed in leaps and bounds, fuelled by constant graphical improvements and the burgeoning popularity of on-line gaming. Max Payne, however, marks something of an overhaul of the genre once again, and I've no doubt whatsoever that the advancements present in Max Payne will be imitated and will influence countless unreleased titles of the future. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the finest singleplayer action game ever.
Before Max Payne, interactive action games could never imitate the sheer tension and gripping action of a good Hollywood blockbuster, until Max Payne, that is. Max Payne introduces a style and approach to action from a perspective that adds sheer cinematic perfection to every sequence, yet maintains totally the players sense of control over the action. In short, Max Payne is a work of gaming genius.
Max Payne is nothing short of sheer cinematic glory, with a tension and atmosphere easily on a par with any of the top action movies of recent years. Max Payne really does mark a step in a new and exciting direction; and is a game that must be played at all costs.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:30 AM
Max Payne Kung Fu Mod v2.0 is here!
A totally awesome Max Payne (PC) mod has been updated. It's called the Kung Fu mod v2.0. We're not even going to talk about it, read what the mod's author had to say about it:
Yup, I just finished my last exam yesterday, so I've been up all night wrapping up this v2.0 for you folks For those who don't know, this version doesn't have stick fighting, but it does have the drunken shootdodging, the enemy kung fu fighting, the wall jumping/wall running, as well as bug fixes (and much improved camera effects). I'm pretty sure most of the bugs have been taken care of, but there is some small glitches with the wall running sometimes, but I can live with it for now Also, old save games (including save games from v0.9 and v1.0+) are NOT compatible with this version. You'll probably crash the game or cause weird screw ups.
Anyway, if you've never checked this mod out, do so now - you can get it here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:30 AM
It's Award Time!
Christmas brings a few presents for Max Payne - in the way of some new awards. The best one of the lot is the BEST SINGLE PLAYER ACTION GAME award of the year given to Max Payne by Gamespot.com! In their award, they say....
Max Payne isn't just a mindless action game with a slow-motion novelty. The extra effort that Remedy Entertainment put into development is plainly apparent in Max Payne, and ultimately, the game was well worth the wait.
Action game of the year is a great honor, and we're glad that Gamespot.com bestowed that upon Max, Remedy, and ourselves. Thanks guys!
In other Game of the year news, Voodoo Extreme's poll of the fans for Game of the Year has ended, and Max Payne finished out on top, beating out the Xbox's Halo title for 2001 Game of the Year! Check out the poll results here!
And to wrap up our piece on Game of the Year honors, the website Fragland voted Max their game of the year. They had three of their staff pick their 10 best games, and 2 of 3 picked Max number one (the third picked Max #3). Then they picked they're combined #1 game of the year, and Max is their pick. Check out their comments and awards here!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:30 AM
Max Payne Daily Review
Tweakers Asylum
(no rating)
It is a non-stop adrenaline rush throughout the whole thing. It has a unique style of game play, a great story, and I know that I will be playing through this game more than once. So if you have an $50 laying around, or if your bored and have nothing to do, go out and pick up a copy of Max Payne, I promise you, you will get hooked.
This product is a must for any "First Person Shooter" addict. This is definitely one of the best games of the year!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:00 PM
3D Realms Makes the List Again!
The last couple of years, 3D Realms has had the "honor" of making the cut on a list of videogames published by National Institute on Media & the family. Their annual "Video & Computer Games Report Card" lists (in their words) "a snapshot of the interactive gaming industry with a focus on issues related to child welfare". The 2001 report has put 3D Realms on the map again - this time around with Max Payne. Here's what they had to say about Max Payne:
Due to extreme violence and its portrayal, the ability to cause fear, illegal/harmfull behavior and inappropriate language, as well as some nudity and sexual content, this game is not recommended for children of any age.
As usual, we're grateful for the free publicity, but again as usual, the government can't quite get their facts straight. Nudity? They playing the same game we put out? There isn't any in the game! Anyway, if you'd like to see what else they had to say about other games, you can check out their website, or their 2001 report card..
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:00 PM
Some Old Friends Resurface
Earlier this week two old 3D Realms hands resurfaced in the way of new interviews. The two folks are Todd Replogle (author of the first three Duke games, as well as Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure) and Ken Silverman (author of the Build engine used in Duke3D, Shadow Warrior, and many others). The website "thisstrife" conducted interviews with each of them.
It was nice to read thse, as our old comrades aren't heard from a whole lot lately (especially Todd). Check the interviews out with the links below:
* Interview with Todd
* Interview with Ken
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
PS2 Max Payne Review
There's a new review of the PS2 version of Max Payne out over at VGLN. They have some pretty nice things to say about the game, check it out:
One of the most highly touted and interesting parts of the game is the concept of bullet time. Bullet time can be best described by one short phrase: "The Matrix Effect".
In the end, a review is a recommendation for purchase. For the PS2 version of Max Payne, I can give a positive recommendation just based on the fact the game is one of the coolest pieces of software available on any medium.
Check out everything that VGLN had to say by checking out their PS2 Max review.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
BBC News
(no rating)
If you ever wanted to play the lead character in a movie about a fugitive cop in the mean streets of New York, then Max Payne is the game for you. It is an atmospheric third-person shooter, clearly inspired by the cinematography of John Woo films and The Matrix, with captivating graphics and edgy, action sequences.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:30 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Rating: 95%
What makes Max Payne such an amazing game is that it puts you in the middle of an amazing action movie, where you get to play the star and fully interact with it. No other game has accomplished this to the extent that Max Payne does.
You play through the scene where your family is killed and a few of Max�s dreams. These were some of the strangest, but most fun, levels I have ever played in any game.
Max Payne is as much of a movie as a video game, which is what makes it so great. With amazing graphics, a good story and Bullet Time, Max Payne is one of the best action games of all time.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:00 PM
Max Payne Console Release Date Revision
We have received updated information from Rockstar regarding the release of Max Payne for the PS2 & Xbox consoles in the United States. Previously, we had said Max was to be out on the 7th on these two consoles. Today we got word of revised street dates:
* The PS2 version of Max Payne is slated to street TODAY - the 11th.
* The Xbox version of Max Payne is now slated to street on Monday the 17th.
Again, these updates are for the US only - the previous announced release dates (Jan 11th for Europe on PS2 & March for Xbox) are unchanged. We ourselves will not be selling the console games direct from 3D Realms, but you can pre-order them now from Amazon's site by clicking on the Xbox & PS2 boxes below.

In other Max console news, the first reviews of the PS2 & Xbox versions of Max Payne are in! These come from Gamespot, and both reviews scored pretty high - the PS2 review scoring an 8.0, and the Xbox version weighs in with a 9.2! Make sure and check 'em both out today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:00 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Miss Match Gaming Network
Rating: 9/10
The graphics in MP are some of the best I've seen in any action game. The particle effects are simply fantastic! There was one scene where I ran into an underground train control room to take out 4 mobsters, I distinctly remember turning round after the gunfight to see the whole room littered with bullet holes, bits of plaster from the walls and computer screens with surges of electricity wrapping round them after being hit by a bullet or two. The realism in the environment is executed superbly.
A highly recommended purchase.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:30 PM
Max Payne Walkthrough Online!
We've had many requests for a Max Payne walkthrough - and we've had many requests on how to get through specific levels posted on our web forums, and now we can deliver. Available right now over on the Official Max Payne web site is a full tutorial, covering all the levels of the game, as well as the game's secrets! If you are stuck in an area of Max Payne, you now have an online resource here on our sites that you can make a reference to. The walkthrough is available at http://legacy.3drealms.com/max/walkthrough/p1c1.html.
It's a very detailed walkthrough - with tons of screenshots that have arrows and other visual tips - make sure and check it out today. A big special thanks goes out to Charles Adams over at xezol.com for doing all the work on the tutorial (screenshots, text, etc). Charles was kind enough to allow us to carry the walkthrough on our web site.
You can also purchase the Official Max Payne Strategy Guide (from Amazon.com) if you would like a book tutorial of the game - make sure and check that out, too!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:30 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Viper Lair
Rating: 9/10
The game borrows heavily from "John Woo" and "The Matrix". Other than the dark, film noir style, the action sequences are explosive. When you're shooting it out with multiple enemies, you can feel the tension just building. One great moment that'll stay in my mind for awhile is the underground parking garage sequence. you got dozens and dozens of bad guys, on foot and in MOVING vehicles! Cars are blowing up left and right, bullets zinging past you, echos of tire screeches and bullets spattering the walls...., wow.
The game is a heck of a lot of fun, and amazing to look at. If you want to show your computer off to envious friends, this is the game to load up. The game plays well, looks and sounds great, and is sure to rob 20-30 hours of your life. But it'll be worth it.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:30 PM
Mac Payne
We've gotten several requests for information about this issue, and we finally have some news to report. Max Payne will be ported to the Macintosh computer platform. The company that will be doing the port work is Westlake Interactive. There was a news story a couple of days ago that covered this - here's some details from it.
Westlake is pleased to announce that our good friends at MacSoft and Take Two Interactive have chosen us to help bring Max Payne to the Macintosh. Combining photo-digitized textures, radiosity lighting, hardware T&L, and the butt-kicking feature of Bullet-Time gameplay, Max Payne will be a tour-de-force of Macintosh gaming.
There is no information regarding a release date at this time - once we have some more information on that, we will bring it to you. In other port news, the Xbox or PS2 versions of Max Payne are scheduled to street at the end of this week. If you wish to pre-order either the Xbox or PS2 versions of Max Payne, you can do so through Amazon.com right now!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:30 PM
Max Payne is #1 on Amazon.com!
Today we've noticed that Amazon has posted their Editor's Choice picks for the best 10 PC games of the year, and Max Payne has come out on top! If you check out their page of the best PC games, you can see Max Payne listed at the top of the heap over other games such as Civilization 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, & Black & White. Here's a bit of what Amazon had to say about Max Payne:
Aside from its inspired use of photorealistic graphics and unique graphic novel (comic book) panels to further the plot, the game also features something called Bullet Time: a slow-motion toggle, usable for a limited time, that re-creates the awe-inspiring diving maneuvers made popular by director John Woo and, of course, The Matrix.
Check out Amazon.com's list of the top 10 PC games of the year today.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:30 PM
