April 12, 2002

Scott Miller Interview

Today, Avault has published an interview with Scott Miller. In the interview, Scott talks about Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, as well as Duke Nukem Forever. Here's the intro text from the interview about it:

Scott Miller of 3D Realms is able to convey a love for gaming as well as anyone in the industry -- it shines in interviews and even emails he exchanges with fans and the press. Although he spends his day doing what many would consider a dream job -- producing and playing games -- he also must deal with the inconsiderable pressures of business. The Adrenaline Vault interviewed Miller as his company oversees the final leg of production on the valueware title Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project and continues development on Duke Nukem Forever. What are his thoughts about Manhattan Project and when can we expect more on DNF? Read on.

There's lots of cool stuff in here, so head on over to Avault, and read the interview!

Posted by Joe Siegler on April 12, 2002 at 3:15 PM | Permalink
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