September 12, 2005

Max Payne Fan Video Updated

A couple of years back, we were sent a fan video made about Max Payne entitled "Max Payne Hero". At the time we thought this was a fabulous video (and still do). However, recently we got another email from Chris Chen, the video's creator saying he had updated it. Here's what he told us about the update:

I want to let you know, in case you're interested, that I've always wanted to incorporate as much of the Max Payne game as I could into my short film and in my spare time, I revisited Max Payne: Hero and added some dialogue & sound FX straight from the game.

Since my previous webhost had limited bandwidth, numerous downtimes, and lost emails, I just switched to a new webhost and now the movie is available straight from my homepage in the Download section.

You can download the movie in multiple sizes and in various formats such as:

- Quicktime 7
- Quicktime
- Windows Media
- Sony PSP

We thought you'd be interested in this update. If you liked Max Payne, go check out Chris' work at the video's homepage, If you'd like to read a little background on the video, check out our news story on the original release back from March of 2003.

Posted by Joe Siegler on September 12, 2005 at 1:45 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Max Payne