Prey Weekly... Er... Monthly Update #24
Hi all -- Welcome to the latest edition of the Prey Weekly update. Er, hasn't really been weekly for the past few weeks, though.
Things around here have been busy, but not nearly as busy as when we finished Prey. What have we been up to this past month?
Well, we've still been settling into our new offices; preparing the Prey patch and additional content; we had a fantastic Prey release party; many people have been taking vacations and sabbaticals (after you've been with Human Head for six years, you're granted an extra month off vacation. A lot of people are exercising that vacation now that Prey is done); and we're preparing for future projects (training, rethinking the design process, etc).
Prey Release Party
On July 20th, we threw a rockin' Prey release party in downtown Madison at the historic Orpheum Theater. More than two hundred of our closest friends and business associates attended, socialized, drank a lot and generally had a great time. There was an eight-player Xbox360 set-up for people to play deathmatch that was constantly busy throughout the night. Music was provided by Kid Beyond who was amazing! The things that guy can do with his voice were simply insane.
Overall, it was a damn fun night. Huge thanks for the group here who set the whole thing up, and a huge thanks to everyone who attended and helped us celebrate this monumental occasion.
Big thanks to Scott and George for attending as well. Although George's camera should be banned from all future parties where there's booze involved! :) We'll try and get some pictures online if we can pry them from George's hands. :)
Prey v1.1 Patch
We're currently working on a 1.1 patch for Prey to fix several bugs and a couple of additions. Here is the (not final) list of changes:
- Fixed a crash at startup on some machines
- Fixed an occasional crash on the dedicated server
- Fixed a crash when using image_usecache cvar with very big textures. Textures whose lowest mip map doesn't fit will be default texture.
- This was causing a crash when a modified prey was loading "Mother's Embrace".
- Fixed a crash on some machines when reading savegames.
- Some timedemo features not appearing if you restart between record/playback
- Added widescreen resolutions to menus
- Updated multiplayer browser to fix servers not showing up due to DNS resolution
- Updated multiplayer browser not keeping join button up to date when server summary wasn't the active tab.
- Updated multiplayer browser so punkbuster icons show up in their column properly
- Updated multiplayer browser so mod games' icons show up properly
- Updated multiplayer browser so server scanning is more consistent on slower connections
- Fixed multiplayer weapon exploit
Venom is working on a 360 patch for Prey which will address the network lag issues on the 360 as well as fix several bugs there as well.
No ETA yet on the release of either of these patches, other than we hope to have them resolved and out very, very soon.
New Content for Prey
There's also new content for Prey coming soon -- still in the process of finalizing the new maps. We've read online that some people have requested maps that function well as 1v1 maps. So, we've taken that to heart and have been working on four maps that work better with a smaller number of people 2-4 players. Of course, you can still play with more than four in the maps, but they can get pretty insane.
Also, we're adding in six new player characters:
- Four female characters: Jen, Elhuit, Mother, and Becky (the blond victim you see occasionally on slabs in the single player Prey)
- Two Hunter characters: Hunter and Elite Hunter
Similar to the 1.1 patch, no ETA on the release on this, other than soon. We're still working on finishing the maps and play balancing them. We'll announce the release date for this, once we're closer to final. Watch 3DR's page, or for that info.
Yes, this additional content will be released on the 360 as well. Further details about possible points cost of the extra content for the 360 has yet to be determined.
Well, that's all for now. We'll definitely keep everyone posted on the status of the patch and of the new content.
Until next time, stay out of trouble.
Chris Rhinehart - Prey Project Lead
Human Head Studios

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Posted by Joe Siegler on August 11, 2006 at 12:47 PM | Permalink
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