Duke Nukem II Help


This page lists questions and links to solutions for various problems we've encountered for Duke Nukem II.

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Episode 1 Boss Help

For the boss creature, there is no trick that I can tell you like "move the left arrow five times, hit the up arrow, dance a jig, fire 7 times". It's really just a timing thing. You need to watch the guy, and see what his pattern is. All Apogee boss creatures have patterns, and if you watch them, you'll see where you can safely go and where you cannot go. However, this map might help you out a bit.

 (1)           (2)

  _______________ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _______________
         I   C    (C)         Chain                     C    I
         I   O                                          O    I
         I   L                                          L    I
         I   U                                          U    I
         I   M                                          M    I
         I   N                                          N    I
         I                                                   I
         I                                                   I
         I                                                   I
 (B)     I     (A)                                           I
  _______________                                     _______________

When he is dropping bombs at Position 1, stand at Position A. When he reaches Position 2, move to Position B. After he goes by, jump to Position C and shoot down as he passes by underneath. After he passes by overhead, move to right, jump and shoot. Return to Position A, ASAP

(REPEAT as needed)