This page lists questions and
links to solutions for various problems we've encountered for our Word
Rescue game.
Click on the question you wish to see the
answer for. If you don't see your answer on this
page, please check out our Email Support Page.

The game quits when I
enter a name starting with the letter "Q"
If you enter a name that starts with the letter "Q" the game will end, thinking you wanted to "Q"uit. There is no workaround for this - the only solution is to not enter a name with the letter "Q" as the first letter.

Word List for
Word Rescue
For Word Rescue 1: toe pot pen rat gun
cup cop hat dog arm bat ant car run can sit gas one purple horse spoon
watch money bottle camera bell flag clown sign fence heart nurse arrow
turtle cross anchor read jail snow rock dance joker wine five eight
scale ghost music acorn teepee factory trike crown bulb tomato dive
head fork bear bird claw duck frog kite orange rabbit shoe sock stand
banana bucket balloon flower pink skunk stair ladder log twig jump
saddle hammer seal hut igloo home car spoon acorn bird rabbit head ant
purple skunk
For Word Rescue 2: tie pig man ear cry
bus bed fan pan jet top two jar toy fly fir net bib nap ham web rob
fox rip dart soap hair tent note hole tank nail wing well team hive
hose rain pole wade sing tape rose feet tail desk bill leak toast
hatch witch needle basket ticket rattle hanger antlers slipper zero
hand glass clock chair shirt train sink teeth indian purse drop
soldier neck four rifle woman mouse doctor drum baby skirt farmer
marry seven lava guitar cone tree lock bridge wagon stop ring lamp
finger snowman leaf moon coin barn boat comb fire glasses house nose
pear pour sail spider spot water cherry wink candle carrot blue white
palm target web nail sing toast basket slipper
For Word Rescue 3: plant pod brush
whale octopus mailbox razor vase disk parrot canoe cut map dig mop mad
bag mix gum pin gate kick pill pipe vest tire mask mitt rope dock milk
file rake cart mule raft scarf bread steam mailman fireman bench latch
magnet present leash grass cork puppet globe black six go bike phone
knife table nine boot feather pants on grapes dress hen cake sword
badge skate lake chain letter ski swim club apple diamond stork fist
three piano storm food cactus castle pump trailer rocket box smile
spade egg door foot key worm ball jug lips bee bow cat bean cow crab
eye fish horn leg monkey paw pie plane shovel skull star sun truck
wave window button pencil red green vest bread mailman present puppet
feather letter

Word Rescue
in other languages?
Word Rescue is not available in any
other language besides English, nor do we have any facility for
allowing others to convert their own word lists (either in English or
otherwise) into the game.