February 16, 1999


We have a couple of interviews to report about today that you should read.

First up as an interview
with George Broussard
(Duke Nukem Forever Project Leader) by 3dgaming.net. In it, they discuss (what else?) Duke Nukem Forever! Here's a couple of choice bits from the interview:

Q: When Unreal first came out, it was criticized for having unplayable Internet support. Did that at all worry you at the time? How do you feel now that Unreal netplay is on par with or beyond Quake II performance?
A: I never worried one bit about Unreal's net play. They simply shipped too soon. The new Unreal version 220 is 90% as good as Quake 2 from what I've seen and getting better. I think Unreal has finally achieved the performance they should have had when they shipped, and most people agree. I'd wager that with Unreal Tournament you will see a vast increase in Unreal's market share of online play.

Q: What would you predict to be the minimum system requirements? Will you be using the same specs as what Unreal asked for (which weren't too precise anyway), or will they be changed?
A: We're not sure yet. In the end, the game will require what it requires. Unreal was a little slow when it shipped (mainly due to map inefficiencies), and CPU's levels and 3D cards will raise before DNF ships. We're going to make the most competitive game we can that will run on as many systems as we can. How's that for dodging the issue? In the end I'd predict you will want a Voodoo2 quality accelerator and P233-266 as a base.

Q: And lastly, when can we expect Duke Nukem Forever to hit shelves? Even though its current status is "when it's done", in what timeframe do you estimate we will be able to play this great game?
A: When it's done That's as close as we're going to get. In the end, we know what the fans want and expect, and it will take as long as it takes to achieve that. That's another reason to try and keep the hype level down until we are ready.

The second interview is one I neglected to cover a few days ago. This one is with Duke Nukem Forever Programmer, Chris Hargrove. This is from a site called Sweet Oblivion. This interview seems to be more geared towards Chris himself, instead of Duke. However, there's some good reading here, too. Make sure to check it out!

Posted by Joe Siegler on February 16, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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