February 9, 1999


Loonygames lives up to it's name again with this title - "Gimme Your Money". This is an article written about the history of shareware which focuses heavily on our own Scott Miller, partner and founder of Scott Miller. The article talks about the genesis of shareware (PC-File), and moves on to Atari 400/800 computers, and onto Scott's move of releasing Kroz in 1987 as the first shareware PC computer game. Here's a bit from the full article:

The great shareware boom started in June of 1991, when Apogee released the Duke Nukem sidescroller (which, with hindsight, should probably have been called Duke Nukem 2D). By this time only turtleneck-wearing die-hards were still defending the Amiga and Atari machines, and with just the still expensive Macintosh for competition, the PC had finally defeated its more interesting rivals with longevity and sack-it-yourself grocery store prices. Saying that Duke Nukem wouldn't have gotten a second notice if it had been released for the Nintendo Entertainment System four years earlier (two years after Super Mario Bros. showed up in the States) may sound like an insult, but it felt good to show that a $2000 box could begin to approach a dedicated game system of any kind. And Todd Replogle's Duke Nukem, with speaker tweedling sound effects by Scott Miller, sold fifteen hundred copies a month well into 1992. For $30 a copy.

This is a very good read - you should check out the full article. If you'd like to read more of our history here, you can visit our history and milestones page, as well as our detailed release history page.

Posted by Joe Siegler on February 9, 1999 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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