Movie Set
Episode 3, Level 5
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Movie set starts off with a direct
connection (story wise) to the previous one. At the end of the
last level, if you looked out the window in the final room of the
level, you would have
seen a helicopter. At the start of this level, Duke falls
to the ground, and a plane crashes in front of you (see above).
This is suppsoed to be the same helicopter from the previous level,
leading to the Dukeism that starts off this level about it being the
second time "those alien bastards have shot down my ride".
The first thing you should do before going into the movie set area
is to make your way around the outside here and collect all the
items, both weapons and health. Once you do that, make your
way back towards the start of the level, there is a very dark
passageway where a couple of pig cops are guarding the blue key.
If you have night vision goggles, you may wish to use them back

After collecting the blue key, make your
way back outside, and around to the locked blue key door. Once
inside, you will see a room filled with crates, as well as a turret
and some "alien bastards" you need to take out.
After doing that, make your way through the "Stage 17B" door.

After going through that door, you will
be in the Moon Landing set. Make your way around to the front,
and you will find some Enforcers, and the yellow key. Grab the
key after dealing with all the combat that comes your way in here.

Make your way back to the Stage 17A
room, and go up the ramp to the yellow key door. Open it up
and head in.

In this stage is a space shuttle kind of
movie set. Inside the shuttle is the red key. Go in
there and grab it, being mindful of the Enforcers that are hanging
out in this area.

Inside the door, there is a small office
to the right with a trooper in it, as well as some night vision
goggles, and some health if you need it. Before you exit the
room, there is a fire extinguisher on one side of the shuttle.
If you blow it up, a section of wall will be revealed and an Atomic
health is in there. This is not officially a secret area, but
if you need the health, go do this.

Make your way back to the Stage 17B room
and go to the far wall past the Moon Landing set. This is
where you need to use the red key.

Once inside, you will see a small switch
on a control panel right inside the door. You need to flip the
switch so that it shows green. Also in this room is some
hidden RPG ammo (that does not count as a secret). Go to the
back side of the pillar in the middle of the room and open it.
RPG ammo awaits! After you do that, make your way back to the
outside area of this level.

There will be a fat commander waiting
for you when you open the door, as well as a Battelord outside.
You could run past them real quick and ignore them if you like, but
they will follow you (assuming you don't get killed trying to run
past them). You will need to make your way back to the
room where the blue key was way back at the start of the level.
When you get there, you will notice that a previously closed wall is
now opened, revealing a downward stairwell, and the exit to the

Once you get about halfway down the
stairwell, it will collapse behind you, so you will get stuck down
here with nothing but the exit.
Hit it and be taken to Level 7, "Rabid
There is also a secret exit on this
level, which leads you to Level 6, "Tier Drops".
Info on how to get to it is below. |