October 31, 2000

Land of the Babes Secrets FAQ Online!

For those of you who are into the new Playstation game "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes", we bring you some coolness. We were sent a FAQ about the secrets, Quest Items, Easter Eggs, and other cool LOTB info. You can check it out online over in our FAQ area right now!

If you're a fan of LOTB, you should check it out - you might find something you missed playing the game. If you have a Playstation (or one of the new Playstation II's), and don't have the game, you can order your own copy today! Order it now - it's the latest and greatest Duke Nukem game for the Sony Playstation! You can also check out more info about the game on our LOTB page.

Posted by Joe Siegler on October 31, 2000 at 5:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Console Games