New Duke Nukem Mobile Games Available
There's a couple of new Duke Nukem games available for your cellular phones that you should be aware of.
First up is "Duke Nukem Mobile II: Bikini Project". This is a sequel to last year's Duke Nukem Mobile game. Bikini Project has new boss fights, new weapons and enemies - just more of what you loved from the original Duke Mobile game. There's a couple of good reviews online, too from Gamespot and IGN.
Here's some of what Gamespot has to say:
- "Duke Nukem Mobile II: Bikini Project stacks up as a worthy sequel to the original mobile alien mauler"
- "Keeps the action hot and heavy".
- "Duke Nukem can now takes to the skies using a jetpack! You also have a a great new weapon.. the flamethrower. It can easily dispose of large clumps of enemies.
Here's some of what IGN has to say:
- "Damn cool monsters"
- "Spot on gameplay"
- Duke Nukem Mobile II: Bikini Project brings back one of the toughest hombres for a repeat performance that will surely entertain fans of his rock-'em-sock-'em style of action.
If you want to read more about Bikini Project, you can do so on our website here, which also contains a list of the cell phones the game is available for, as well as screenshots and some other information.
The second game we have to talk about is Duke Nukem Mobile 3D.
This is a 3D Duke Nukem game for your cell phone. It contains much of the same hot action that was in the Zodiac Tapwave version of Duke Nukem 3D from last year. If you have a supported cell phone (see page for details), then you're not going to want to miss this action. Gamespot & IGN have some good reviews of this title, too.
Gamespot currently has this game listed as their #5 most popular Mobile title with a score of 8.2 out of 10!
Here's some of what Gamespot has to say:
- Amazing graphics, especially the character models; Some classic Duke quotes; Controls surprisingly well; Extremely hectic firefights
- Duke looks phenomenally good and packs some of the most frenetic firefights
- The game introduces new challenges at the perfect pace; you'll always be overwhelmed just the right amount.
- Duke Nukem will have you blasting away droves of aliens of various shapes, sizes, and levels of firepower.
Here's some of what IGN has to say:
- There is no shortage of content in Duke Nukem Mobile 3D. With 21 levels that can be played on multiple difficulty settings, there is some real meat here.
- The animations never seem to take a hit, and the framerates doesn't chug.
- I was pleasantly surprised to see how populated some of the levels can get
You can check out more about the title on our page for it, which includes screenshots, links, and a complete list of carriers and phones. Duke Nukem Mobile 3D is currently available for Verizon & Alltel in North America with Sprint & ATT/Cingular coming soon.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 7:03 PM
Duke Nukem Mobile
One of the hottest sections of gaming now is mobile gaming. Whatever the platform, handheld and mobile gaming is extremely popular lately, and we thought we'd take this moment to tell you about Duke Nukem's entry into this platform. We're talking about Duke Nukem Mobile.
Duke Nukem Mobile is available for a couple of platforms - one being the Zodiac Tapwave (a Palm based handheld), and the other is for cellular phones.
You can now play Duke Nukem anywhere you want - the king of action heroes, Duke Nukem is bringing his kick-butt style of alien extermination to the world of mobile gaming. One man versus 1000 aliens -- it's hardly fair! But don't expect Duke to show pity as he blasts each one into quivering goo.
You can check out some screenshots and other game information for this title on our Duke Nukem: Mobile page here on the 3D Realms site. As an added bonus, you can play a demo of the cellular phone version of Duke Nukem Mobile at our page, so make sure and check it out.
Before you do that, check out a few quotes about the game from several online reviews:
"Nukem looks and sounds absolutely fantastic. The level graphics are bright and beautiful, the slavering hordes of invaders are appropriately monstrous, and Duke looks as hard-bitten and grizzled as ever." - Gamespot
"The Duke debut on your handset is an impressive one." - IGN
"Duke Nukem is great download thanks to its action pedigree, gorgeous engine and replay value" - Wireless Gaming Review
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Max Payne Gameboy Advance Reviews
In December of 2003, Rockstar games released Max Payne 1 for the Game Boy Advance. This is a port of the original game that covers the action and plot of the first Max Payne pretty closely. If you have a Game Boy Advance, and like Max, you should probably check this out, as it's a good way to get your Max fix while away from your computer, or your game console. We have a few reviews today for you.
The first one comes from the February 2004 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine. Here's a bit of what they had to say:
* ... it looks much better on the GBA than you'd expect
* Gritty and unforgiving, Max will make your Game Boy bleed fun.
* The game offers an atmospheric experience unlike any other Game Boy Advance title.
The review gives it an 8 out of 10. To check out the rest of what they have to say, hit your local newsstands and look for the February 2004 issue of EGM magazine.
Next is a review from ign.com in which they had this to say about the game:
* Max Payne is a surprisingly awesome conversion that almost came out of nowhere.
* The Game Boy Advance version of Max Payne is an excellent title that brings a lot of new style gameplay to the handheld.
* Max Payne features as much carnage as a Paul Verhoven action flick
IGN gave it a 9 out of 10, awarding the game their "Editor's Choice" title. Make sure to head over to their site and read the review.
Third and finally today we have a review by noted Max Payne fan, Katherine Baskin. More commonly known as "The Baskinator" (whose name Remedy used as a hidden easter egg in Max Payne 2), Katherine had this to say about the game in her review titled "Payne in my Pocket"...
* The graphics are simply stunning.
* The graphics, music and even the controls are slick.
* And, possibly more important than anything, it�s finally given me, and many others, the chance to introduce Max Payne to a different gaggle of gamers: Nintendo fanatics.
If you own a Game Boy Advance, you should run to your local software store today and pick this up. You'll be glad you did. This editor also played the game in prep for writing this piece, and I have to say that the game was far better than I was anticipating as well. If you're a GBA fan, you'll enjoy this. You can also order a copy through Amazon.com by clicking here or on the box art shown above.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:15 PM
Duke Nukem Advance is Best FPS
Well, according to the editors and readers over at IGN it is. Duke Nukem: Advance was recently voted both "Best GBA FPS of 2002" by both the IGN staff, as well as the readers. Here's what IGN had to say about it:
It was a while in the making, but Take 2 finally released Duke Nukem Advance in the summer of 2002...and it was good. Really good. It brought back the classic shooting action of 3D Realms' Duke Nukem 3D PC design, all the while throwing in missions and storyline unique to the GBA game. Come get some.
If you've never checked out Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, you can check out some information we have on the game here on our Duke Nukem Advance pages, or you can order yourself a copy of the game from Amazon.com, as well!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:20 PM
Duke Nukem Advance Review
The gaming news/review site ign.com has a review of Duke Nukem: Advance up this week. It's a very good review of the game. Unfortunately, you have to be a paid IGN subscriber to read the entire thing, but we've gotten a few choice tidbits out of it.
Duke Nukem Advance is without a doubt the most fun first-person shooter on the GBA to date.
The Game Boy Advance game looks and sounds like the computer title, but Torus has created a brand new adventure and a new plot surrounding the familiar action and characters.
But goofy plot aside, it's the gameplay that matters...and Duke Nukem Advance is top-notch.
What's more, the game even has a look up/look down feature in its controls...it may be the same unnecessary, graphical cheat that 3D Realms pulled off in the PC game, but it's the first game to offer this control on the GBA.
And even with the limited control layout of the Game Boy Advance, the developers managed to map the important moves to all the buttons without making it feel "cluttered."
There are almost a half-dozen of these games on the handheld as of this writing, and the latest, Duke Nukem Advance, is definitely the best.
There's plenty more where those quotes came from, but you'll need to be an IGN subscriber to read the entire article. If you don't want to do that, you can read more about the game over at our own Duke Nukem Advance page here on the 3D Realms site.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:40 PM
Duke Nukem Advance
Coming shortly (it's currently slated to hit the streets next month) is a new original platform Duke Nukem game. Entitled "Duke Nukem Advance", this title is for (you guessed it) the Nintendo Gameboy Advance platform.
We have a page up on our web site for the title now, and the page has some info about the game, as well as some screenshots, and other cool things like a link to an interview with one of the folks from Torus (the people who made the game). Speaking of that interview, here's a few quotes from it:
GT: What advances in the alien AI will we be seeing in Duke Nukem Advance?
Brian: Originally we wanted to have more attack patterns for some of the new enemies but in the end we felt it more important to concentrate on other areas instead. Plus the fact that the AI we had in place turned out really well so we stuck with that.
GT: Duke Nukem Advance is entering a crowded field of top-notch fps titles that have already been released on the GBA. What features does Duke Nukem Advance sport that will set it apart from the rest?
Brian: The first thing you will notice is the frame-rate. It is a much faster game than the predecessors.
There is a lot more to check out in this interview - Brian Uniacke from Torus has a lot to say about the title's development history. (Link removed Aug 2006, no longer online)
And while you're reading about it, make sure to head on over to Amazon.com and pre-order your copy of Duke Nukem Advance. And if you don't have a GameBoy Advance - no problem, you can order a Gameboy Advance system from Amazon.com, too.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:20 PM
Duke Nukem Advance Best FPS of Show
We were just informed that the forthcoming Duke Nukem Advance title was named "Best First Person Shooter" for the Gameboy Advance at the recent E3 show in Los Angeles. The IGN site posted their GameBoy Advance awardsrecently, and in it, Duke Nukem Advance got it's award! Here's what IGN had to say about it:
Wow. After seeing super early shots of this game back in September, we had no idea that Duke Nukem Advance would turn out this good. It's everything the PC Duke Nukem 3D was back in the day, but in handheld form...and that, folks, is a very good thing.
We will have more on this title shortly, but we thought you'd like to see this award. For those of you with a Gameboy Advance, make sure to check it out when it's released (which is "When it's done"). IGN does have some more information about the game available here, and Amazon.com is also taking pre-orders on the title, but again, we cannot vouch for the release date they have listed there.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 4:50 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes is the Worst...
...game for children in 2000, according to a recent report on video game violence. The National Institute on Media & the Family released a video and computer game report card today. The group credited our industry for adopting some of their recommendations, but still criticized stores for selling violent games to children. In their report card, they rate a pile of games against several categories, such as fear, language, nudity, illegal & harmful activities, etc. Anyway, of all the games they list on this page (and there are a lot), only one got their worst rating in every category, and that was "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes".
In their report on Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes, this is said about the game: Due to extreme violence and its portrayal, frightening situations, illegal/harmful behavior, offensive language, nudity and sexual content this game is not recommended for children or teenagers.
That's right, Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes is the #1 worst game for children in 2000! Of course, we at 3D Realms feel that decision should be up to the parents, and with that in mind, we want to let all the parents out there know that the game is still available for sale. If you have a Sony Playstation (either 1 or 2), make sure to head over to our online store and buy it!
If you want to read more about this, there's a story over on CNN today that talks about how the video game industry has gotten better grades (according to some US Senators, anyway). You can also read more about the game at our Land of the Babes page, or at n-Space, the creators of the game.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 4:25 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Walkthrough

Fans of the Playstation game "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes" will be excited at the newest addition to our site. It's a complete walkthrough for the game. Provided to us by n-Space, the game's authors, this new info will show you how to get to every area in the game, find all the secrets, and become a Land of the Babes Whiz!
Make sure to check out the walkthrough only if you are interested in having the entire game spoiled for you. There is lots of info here, and it will tell you things about the game you may not have seen yet, or don't want to know - so use this at your own enjoyment risk!
If you don't have the game yet, and have a Playstation (or a Playstation II, for that matter), you should check out the game. Click here to order your copy of Land of the Babes, or click here to order a copy of the Strategy Guide for the game which is also available.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:10 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Cheat Codes
We've had several folks ask for them, and now thanks to Phil Gelber of n-Space, we bring you the complete list of cheat codes for the new Playstation game, "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes". They're all here, from God mode to Invisible Duke, to "View Outtakes", and many more. Check out the Cheat Code area for all the Land of the Babes codes, as well as codes for all the rest of our games, too!
Don't have the game? No problem - click on the cover art below to order your own copy. Want to read more about the game? Check out our Land of the Babes page, or hit n-Space, the folks who wrote the game.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:45 PM
Land of the Babes is the Amazon Editor's Pick!
This morning brings us the cool news that Amazon.com has picked the new PSX game "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes" as their Editor's Pick game. Here's what Amazon had to say about the game..
Aliens have wiped out Earth's men and are now looking to enslave the planet's women for their own hybridization program. Who's going to save the babes of Earth? Duke Nukem, that's who. Working with the Unified Babe Resistance, Duke must counteract the aliens through 14 levels of first-person search and destroy. He'll face mutant primates, Hoglodytes, Pig cops, and Octabrains with an awesome arsenal at his disposal, including such weapons as blasters, flamers, grenade launchers, and Duke's new weapon of choice, the .50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol.
Duke Nukem: Planet of Babes features four challenging training areas and six multiplayer levels, each with its own secret areas; high-tech items including infrared goggles, jetpack, and teleporter; and an ego meter that shows how well Duke's able to go on with the crusade. The game's story is propelled by 25 interstitial sequences including an unlockable bloopers sequence. Parents should note: with middle school locker-room humor and no small amount of action-game violence, this game is not intended for kiddies.
If you'd like to see what the editor's pick page looks like, you can click here to see a screenshot taken from the Amazon.com Editor's pick page. Also, there's reviews from users over at Amazon's site, here's a sampling of them:
Reviewer: Vince Anderson (see more about me) from Rockford, IL USA
More Duke action with new Dukisms and Duke type levels. EXACT same setup/game-play as "Time to Kill". TTK is my favorite psx game, so I was really excited to get "Land of the Babes." But in the end, if you are a huge Duke Nukem fan like myself, than this is definitely one to get your mits on. Buy this game and "Come get some!"
Reviewer: A Gamer from Atlanta, GA
Duke is back and is as fun as ever. The guns are big and the aliens are cool. The graphics are hit and miss, but the levels have lots of secret areas to explore. Some characters look better then others, but the weapon effects are cool for a playstaion game. The levels are fun and well designed with fun missions like saving babes and hunting down lots of bad guys. Oh ya, and Duke is the man! Nuff said.
Don't have the game? No problem - click on the cover art below to order your own copy. Want to read more about the game? Check out our Land of the Babes page, or hit n-Space, the folks who wrote the game.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Review!
The Land of the Babes reviews are starting to come in, and here's the first one we noticed. It's from PSX Nation, and their review has these things to say:
*One of the best parts is always hearing Duke's one-liners, of which there are plenty of new ones. Yes, the inevitable "Waaasssssuuuupppp" is in the game as well as plenty of other witty phrases.
*The weaponary once again is cool as I was able to pickup a nice laser gun right from the beginning.
*If you loved Time to Kill, then you're probably going to love Land of the Babes as well.
Their review is more of a preview, as it was written shortly before the game was finished, but they still have some coolness to expound upon - check it out!
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes has been released for the Sony Playstation and is in stores now! We're pretty happy with the way it turned out and it's by far the best Duke Nukem console game to date. n-Space did a great job. So while you're waiting for those back ordered PS2's, run down to your local store and check out Land of the Babes.
Or, you can click on the cover art here to be taken to Amazon's page for Land of the Babes, where you can purchase your own copy online!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 4:40 PM
Land of the Babes Interview!
As Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes is scheduled to street this week, we felt it was time to bring you another interview with Phil Gelber of N-space. Phil is the producer of Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes, and he has a lot to say about the game. Here's a small bit.
Q: Well, Land of the Babes is finished now, and will shortly be out there for the world to see. How do you feel about that?
A: Personally I feel proud, relieved, and excited all at the same time. Creating a game that stands up to the high standards of 3D Realms is a lot of hard work, and my team got the job done. I hope the world enjoys it and has as much fun as we did making it.
Q: How much of an irritation or an issue was it regarding the name change from Planet of the Babes to Land of the Babes?
A: It was pretty irritating from the standpoint that we had been using the name for a while, and although it was a great name, Land of the Babes wasn't a take off of Planet of the Apes. To be honest, there really isn't enough material to base a good game on Planet of the Apes.
There's a lot more that Phil has to say about Land of the Babes in this interview. Check it out today! For more information on Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes, make sure to check our our Land of the Babes page.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 6:45 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes is almost here!

The new Sony Playstation title, "Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes" is almost here! This all new, all original Duke Nukem adventure on the Playstation is due to street anywhere from the 21st to the 28th of September.
As the game is coming this soon, we thought we'd let you know that you can still pre-order the game, and it will be shipped to you (from Amazon, we don't sell this title directly). Furthermore, the Official Strategy Guide is available!
If you are interested in ordering either of these items, please visit our Land of the Babes page, where ordering links are now posted.
Furthermore, we will be posting an interview with Land of the Babes producer Phil Gelber in the next day or so. We've put a new round of questions to Phil about the game being released, the name change from Planet of the Babes, as well as many other things. Keep your eyes peeled!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:15 PM
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Goes Gold
Sony Playstation owners will be glad to hear this news - Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes has gone gold! That's right - the game is finished, and has been released to manufacturing, it should hit the store shelves shortly. We contacted Phil Gelber of n-Space, the folks who made the game, and this is what he had to say about it...
We are proud to say that Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes for the Sony Playstation IS DONE! The game has been approved by Sony and Duke fans should get ready to take Duke on one of his most heroic journeys yet. Hats off to the team here at n-Space and 3DRealms for working so hard to create a very strong story driven Duke experience. Time to enjoy the 3-day weekend and catch up on some sleep. Oh ya, the game should be in store the week of September 18th. As Duke would say "Come get some!".
Next week, we will have a new interview with Phil Gelber online about Land of the Babes, so make sure to keep your eyes open for that. If you wish to learn more about Land of the Babes, make sure to visit our Land of the Babes page, as well as n-Space. Furthermore, should you wish to pre-order either the game or the strategy guide, you can do so via the links provided below.
*Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes game
*Duke Nukem: Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Strategy Guide
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:30 PM
Planet of the Babes Commercial
A few weeks ago, we reported on the appearance of a Playboy Playmate (Brande Roderick) having been in a Duke Nukem commercial.
Well, we've tracked down the commercial. It's the current TV commercial for Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes. Thanks to our contacts over at GT, they informed us that Brande is in this commercial. We've also now made the commercial available for you to download. It's in an mpg format, and you can download it by clicking on the screen capture to your right from the commercial.
There's plenty of babes to check out there, so if you're a fan of Duke, or are interested in Planet of the Babes, you should download it now! For more information on Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes, check out our page for it, or visit n-Space, the makers of the game.
In other Duke news, you knew this was bound to happen - Duke has made it into one of the bazillion "Wazzzup" parodies that are floating around the net. This one is made up of video game characters, and Duke is in this one, along with Lara Croft, Pikachu, & Mario. You can download a file of this parody here (it requires Quicktime v4 to play, though).
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Team Info
A couple of months ago, a Duke Nukem game much in the vein of the first two PC Duke games was released for the Nintendo Color Gameboy, appropriately titled "Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy". We've been asked since the game was released for some information on the folks who developed it. Well, that would be Torus in Australia, and we have some team info online now, as well as a group photo! If you're familiar with our Time to Kill & Planet of The Babes pages, you'll be familiar with this team photo.
Check out the Color Gameboy page for the team photo, as well as some other information about this game!
Make sure to check it out today - and read up on the only Duke Nukem game for the Color Gameboy console. You can also purchase a copy for your Color Gameboy if you don't have one already. No Color Gameboy? No problem, you can purchase a Color Gameboy too (from Amazon.com).
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM
Planet of the Babes Preview
n further Planet of the Babes news, the site checkout.com has posted a preview of Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes. While a short preview, they certainly seemed to like the game, here's a bit of what they had to say about it:
Duke Nukem and beautiful babes. A combination as natural as peanut butter and jelly or milk and cookies. If there's such a thing as nirvana, I'd say Duke will have reached it when he finds himself on the Planet of the Babes this May.
The first new feature is the ego-based health system, which replaces the typical health bar that's become so stale. So you'll have to keep an eye on Duke's ego, or he'll need a lot more than therapy.
Make sure to check out the full preview, and while you're at it, check out our own Planet of the Babes page, where we have several screenshots, an interview with the development team, among other things.
Also, if you're interested, you can pre-order the game from Amazon.com by clicking on the buy it button below. 3D Realms will not be selling this title directly, and it is a Playstation exclusive title.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:20 PM
Planet of the Babes Babe
Coming next month is the second original Sony Playstation title, "Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes". This Sony PSX only title is being brought to you by the same folks who brought you the smash "Duke Nukem: Time to Kill" title. n-Space (the game's author) has updated their web site with the latest entry of their POB development diary update. Here's what they have to say in their update:
The PoB team has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into Duke's latest adventure for the Sony PlayStation. This game rocks! What's our status you ask? We are not done yet...but we are very close. To be exact, we've been in the "post-beta" stage of development for months and we have been working closely with 3DRealms to put the finishing touches on the game.
A good game is all about the attention to details. The game should act and behave as you would expect it to. It should be fun. For a Duke game this means, if you see something cool...you should be able to interact with it. And we've gone to great lengths to ensure you have lots of cool things to see and do throughout the game...from start to finish!
Now in a game called "Planet of the Babes"...the team had to go to great lengths to get those details right, as you can tell from the images included here...we are killing ourselves to get the details just right;-)
The pictures shown here are of a model named 'Pina Rosana Porceddu'. According to n-Space, the model is whom the team used as an in game reference. You can click on either of the shots below for a larger image. Don't forget to check out the n-Space web site for additional photos, as well as more on Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes (as well as their other game titles).
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:20 PM
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Stuff

There's been a few tidbits floating around recently about the forthcoming Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes game from 3D Realms & N-Space. We thought we'd collect them together here for you.
First up is a short interview with Phil Gelber (the producer) by FGN Online. In this interview, Phil talks briefly about the number of levels, and a couple of the game's weapons. Here's a small tidbit..
As for the Duke arsenal, a total of 20 weapons will be on hand. "I just love the underwater torpedo launcher," said Gelber. "It causes massive amounts of damage."
There's more - including the talk about levels in the game, so check it all out.
Second is a short preview from the IGN web site, which is actually part of a larger article entitled "The Playstation's Last Stand". This article talks about the various games coming out this year for the Sony Playstation, before the Playstation II hits here in the states. This is a very short preview - the full text is here:
Duke Nukem. Polygonal women with very large breasts. What more do you need in a videogame? Well, how about a new Ego-based health system, twenty-four action packed levels, high-tech weaponry, and a wide array of enemies that include mutant gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans? That basically sums up Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes. Oh, did we mention polygonal women with very large breasts? I guess we did.
There is more to this article if you're interested in Sony Playstation games, so check it out.
Also, don't forget to check out our own Planet of the Babes pages, where you can see some screenshots, and read about the game. You can also pre-order the game from Amazon.com if you're in a big hurry, and can't wait to get the latest all new Duke adventure delivered straight to you and your Playstation!
Please note that the artwork shown above is not the 100% final version of the art. It might yet change before the game's release.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:15 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Review
The IGN gaming news site has posted a review of the Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy game that came out a few months ago. They really liked the game, here's a bit of what they had to say:
*As side scrolling platformers go on the Game Boy Color, this is definitely one of the best.
*I'm really surprised how well Duke Nukem came out on the Game Boy Color� Torus managed to put together one of the best side-scrollers on the Game Boy Color thus far.
*What Torus has done is base a Game Boy Color game based on the original PC series of Duke Nukem games.
The review has a lot more to say - as well as including a few screenshots for you to check out. If you have a Nintendo Color Gameboy - you should check out this latest edition of Duke Nukem - it's a blast! Go check out the full review, then come back here and check out our Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy pages.
Once you've checked out those those, click here to purchase your own copy (from Amazon.com) of Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy! Don't have a Color Gameboy? You can get one of those at Amazon, too.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 4:50 PM
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Press Release
We've just been alerted to the existence of a press release online regarding the forthcoming Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes, and we wanted to bring it to you now. The press release has several quotes from GT Interactive, as well as some game information. We've mirrored the press release locally, and here's a few choice tidbits from it:
In Earth's distant future, an alien race has launched a full-scale invasion, sinking the human population into anarchy and terror. The aliens then embark on their hideous primary objective: wiping out the male population so they can enslave women for use in their hybridization program. However, some women managed to escape, and united to form the Unified Babe Resistance (UBR). But the scanty UBR defenses are being annihilated by a powerful new alien weapon, and with all hope nearly lost, they turn to Earth's long distant history and legendary hero, Duke Nukem. Using a time portal device, the UBR track down Duke and make his choice very simple: Help them or there will be no chicks in the future. Without hesitation, Duke answers, ``Let's Rock.''
``Planet of the Babes shoots high and scores, a true milestone release in the Duke Nukem franchise,'' said Tony Kee, Vice President of Marketing for GT Interactive. ``Planet of the Babes delivers mature, compelling game play that pushes the envelope with no-holds-barred combat, high-resolution graphics, a new and very innovative Duke survival system that replaces the typical health system found in all other shooters, and lest we forget, lots of babes.''
There's lots more in this press release about the game, so make sure to check it all out in our press release area. Also, you can read more about Planet of the Babes, including checking out some screenshots, and learning about the game developers over at our Planet of the Babes page
One other thing to mention - this press release was issued by GT Interactive, the publishers of the game. In it, they mention a May release date. Please keep in mind, the official release date for any 3D Realms title that is not out yet is "When it's done".
If you are interested in pre-ordering it, you can do so at Amazon.com by clicking on the buy it graphic below!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:30 PM
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Screenshots Online

One Man. One Mission. One Million Babes. Ten screenshots!
Online today are ten screenshots for the forthcoming Sony Playstation game, "Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes". Planet of the Babes is the sequel to last year's extremely successful game, "Duke Nukem: Time to Kill". Made by the same folks, n-Space, Planet of the Babes will be a must have for any Sony Playstation Duke fan. One of the screenshots is shown here - if you want to see all ten of them, check out the Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes pages here on the 3D Realms site.
If you'd like some insight into the minds of the game's makers, check out the interview we did with Phil Gelber of n-Space. Phil is the producer of the game, and has a lot to say!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:20 PM
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Preview
New today is a preview of the upcoming Sony Playstation exclusive title, "Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes". This preview over at Gamefan has a couple of screenshots and some text describing the game. Here's a bit of what they have to say..
Avid disciples of the world of Duke already know that the key to much of Nukem's success is the quirky, ridiculous story lines featured in his games. Well, good news, Duke-lovers, Planet of the Babes upholds this tradition with an entertaining (and sometimes tantalizing) adventure.
The most noticeable cosmetic addition to the sequel to last year's blockbuster would have to be the new and improved lighting effects; Planet of the Babes features some of the gnarliest fire effects ever seen in a PlayStation game, using various lighting techniques to produce the game's action-packed mood.
Beefed-up graphics, lightning-fast gameplay, and cool (yet politically incorrect) story lines have never hurt games in the past--let's hope the folks behind PotB keep up the good work.
Make sure to check out this preview over at Gamefan today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 4:15 PM
Next Generation Does Time to Kill
As some of you might be aware, the December issue of PC Gamer will feature a cover story on Duke Nukem Forever. Very anticipated, this issue of the magazine will have a story on the game and some of the game features. Also in this issue will be the first released screenshots from Duke Nukem Forever with the Unreal engine.
This issue of the magazine is due to arrive to subscribers on or around November 1st, with a street date on newsstands on or around November 12th. If you are not a PC Gamer subscriber, make sure to hit the newsstands around November 12th and pick up your own copy so you can get all the latest about Duke Forever!
Once the magazine hits the stands, we will be releasing the screenshots that appear in the magazine on our site so that you can see the high quality images in all their glory! Keep your eyes peeled here to the 3D Realms site, as they'll appear here before anywhere else.
Shown to your right is a scan of the cover art that will be on the magazine. You can click on the thumbnail here for a larger image. Please note however that it's about 430k, so it might take some time to download on slow modems). Thanks to the guys at PC Gamer!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour in Windows
We have a file that we'd like to bring to you. If you're a fan of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (or just Duke Nukem), you'll be interested in this. It's a Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Windows background file. The file (shown in thumbnail to your right) makes a great Windows background for your computer.
We have a few different file formats for you to download. First, you can just click on the image shown below for a larger version in another window. Most web browsers (Netscape/Internet Explorer) have a function where you can right click on the image and "Set as Wallpaper". That is the easiest way to do it.
Or, if you'd prefer, you can download this bmp version of the picture. A small warning - The BMP file is somewhat large at 1.19Mb. Either way, it's a great way to get Duke on your background!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Zero Hour Magazine Praise Follow Up
On September 20th, our Duke Nukem: Zero Hour praise had a somewhat confusing piece of text. That was:
"...it makes Tomb Raider look like an old-biddy hobbling around Tesco's with a zimmerframe."
One of our fans (Chris Weil) emailed us and told us what this would mean to an American:
"...it makes Tomb Raider look like an old bag limping around Albertsons with a shopping cart."
That quote confused us, we hope this cleared it up for you, too. Thanks Chris!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour TV Commercial!
Some of you may have spotted this on the TV already, but there is a commercial currently airing for the Nintendo 64 title, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. It has been airing on MTV & Fox, among others. We've had many requests to release this, and now we've done so!
Starting today, you can download the Duke Nukem: Zero Hour television commercial from our site. It is available in two formats:
1.MPG - 7.2Mb
2.RealVideo - 809k
In addition, there are more downloads available from our master download page, both for Zero Hour, and our entire product line!
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is now available in stores for the N64 only. If you want to learn more about Duke Nukem: Zero Hour pages. You can also buy the game online, too!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Zero Hour Praise
"This time around you see Duke's massive bulk running around in front of you. We were worried that this viewpoint would be really awkward to use, but it's been done with such skill that it makes Tomb Raider look like an old-biddy hobbling around Tesco's with a zimmerframe. (3D Realms note: This quote from a England magazine -- we don't understand the references either!) There's no awkward camera angles in this game and you can constantly see what's running around in front of you." -- N64 Magazine
Okay, you've read how great this game is, the next step is to BUY IT!
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is now available in stores for the N64 only. Look for the cool live action Duke TV commercial, too. Go to our Duke Nukem: Zero Hour pages to read more about this hot game and to see screen shots.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Cheats
We've had many requests for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats, and now we've got them. Available in our cheat code area are the cheats for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. However, they're not your standard "cheat codes" as you know them to be.
The cheats in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour are unique. You can't enter "codes" to get them; you must earn them by successfully completing levels. In fact, various factors within the levels will enable certain secrets. Once you have earned a secret, you'll need to start a new game and you'll be able to access the cheats from the main menu in order to enable them. In addition to cheats, a new Dukematch character will become available, allowing you to play Dukematch with the character.
Check out our cheat code area right now - it contains cheats to all of our games, not just Duke Nukem: Zero Hour.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy
The second of two new Duke Nukem games to be released this month is due later this week. This game is "Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy". We have a lot of information about this game on our web site for you to check out.
First are our Gameboy pages, which include some game info, screenshots, and more. Also available today is a press release for Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy. Here's the beginning of it:
NEW YORK, NY, September 2, 1999 - His kingdom now stretches to the vast lengths and widths of every current gaming platform, as GT Interactive Software Corp. (Nasdaq:GTIS) announces the release of Duke Nukem for the Game Boy Color. Developed by Torus Games, Duke Nukem's first Game Boy title features 16 vivid levels, each with a bold new look, a plethora of destructive weapons and alien enemies whose focus is to destroy the infamous Duke Nukem.
Duke Nukem for the Game Boy Color features an incredibly sophisticated game engine providing high-octane gameplay that will 'nuke' your Game Boy! In addition to classic Duke Nukem adrenaline-pumping gameplay, the Game Boy Color delivers state of the art animation and graphics, as well as a "built in battery-pack" that allows the player to save their game at any point, rather than at the end of each level like the majority of titles for the Game Boy.
You can check out the full press release here. After you've read up on the game, you can also BUY IT online, too!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Zero Hour Arrives in Stores this Week!
Nintendo 64 owners have their first ever ORIGINAL Duke Nukem game made for their system. Duke Nukem: Zero Hour places the King of Carnage in an original story spanning four times zones on a mission to kill aliens, save babes, and recover pieces of a time machine.
So far, advanced reviews of this game have been outrageously positive, so each day until we run out of them we're going to print a DN:ZH Reviewer's Quote of the Day. Today, we're kicking off with three quotes:
"The gameplay's tuned to near perfection so there's never a dull moment." -- GamePro
"Ahhhhh. After month after month of tedious braindead racing games and 17 million indistinguishable American sports titles, it's as refreshing as a blast of pure oxygen to get a game into the office that someone might actually want to play. DN:ZH is the stopper of video game madness in question...You start playing, you kill things, *you keep playing*. It's this latter part that seems to have confounded a lot of new games to date." -- 64 Magazine
"Zero Hour is easily the best Duke Nukem game yet. The graphics are great, the sampled speech is fantastic, the levels are devious but you don't get lost, and above all the wacked-out humor will leave you clutching your gut in agony. What more could you ask for in a video game!" -- N64 Pro
Okay, you've read how great this game is, the next step is to BUY IT!
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is now available in stores for the N64 only. Look for the cool live action Duke TV commercial, too. Go to our Duke Nukem: Zero Hour pages pages to read more about this hot game and to see screen shots.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Interview!
A few days ago, we told you about the title for the new Sony Playstation game, "Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes". We promised you that we'd dig around and come up with something for you, and we have!
We have the first interview with the Planet of the Babes development team. The interview was with Phil Gelber, the producer at N-space for Planet of the Babes. While it's fairly early in the process for the game, we managed to get some information out of Phil that you'll enjoy. Some of the subjects he touched on were how they feel about doing a second Duke Nukem game, the title itself, and some of the technical goals for the game.
Check out our interview with Phil today.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Release Dates
We got some information passed on to us from GT, the distributor of the Duke Nukem games. We have some release dates for you!
*Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (N64) - Ships on August 31st, should be in some stores on Sep. 1st
*Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy - Ships on September 10th, should be in some stores Sep 11th
*Duke Nukem Forever: "When it's done".
If you're a fan of Duke Nukem and have these game consoles, you should probably check them out. We have some information on both Zero Hour and Color Gameboy on our site if you haven't checked them out yet.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Interview
3D Portal's Dukeworld has a new interview up with Eurocom, the makers of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for the Nintendo 64. In this interview, Bill & Kevin (producer & designer of the game) speak with Dukeworld about several facets of game development. Here's a few questions from the full interview:
Q: It's been recently announced that the game has gone gold for production, when will we be seeing it in stores most likely?
A: It looks like the game should be ready to ship in late August.
Q: Some gamers may be thinking "I already own Duke Nukem: Time to Kill for the PlayStation, what's so different about Zero Hour?" What key features separate the two games most in your opinion?
A: They are completely different games, not just different platform-specific versions. Zero Hour is more action-based than the exploration style gameplay of Time to Kill. We have all-new enemies (and more of them too), more guns, bigger and better-looking levels, high-resolution textures, faster gameplay, a superior camera system, full 4-player Dukematch, loads of real-time cut scenes, tons of speech, supporting characters to fight alongside you, all-new time zones, and the chance to kick Jack the Ripper's ass.
Q: Zero Hour also supports the new four MB video memory expansion pak for the Nintendo 64, what are some of the technical specifications on the game's graphics with and without the expansion pak?
A: We worked damn hard to get the game running at 30 fps even without the Expansion Pak. We used the Pak to allow a choice of custom hi-res modes, as well as really pump up all the explosions, light-sourcing, lens flares and other effects.
This is a very good interview - not your usual couple of questions that ask the same thing we already know. Make sure to check out the full interview over at Dukeworld today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Preview
As Duke Nukem: Zero Hour inches closer to it's street date, Gaming Age has a new preview. It's a pretty cool preview, which lists several things N64 fans are sure to like about the game, including weapons, game play, graphics, and (of course) screenshots. Here's some of what they have to say about the game.
* Similar to other Nintendo 64 titles, there are two graphical options for Zero Hour. The first is playing without the Expansion Pak which brings in speedier frame-rate, but a lower resolution. The other option is playing with the Expansion Pak enabled, which brings in a higher resolution, but a slightly choppier frame-rate.
* The big difference between Duke Nukem 64 and Zero Hour is not only the graphics but also the viewpoint. Instead of the norm first-person-shooter, the entire adventure takes place behind Duke�s back in the third person.
Gaming Age does a bang-up job on whittling down the important issues of the game into a good quick review. Make sure to check it out today, and if you're interested in learning more, check out our own Zero Hour pages. Thanks Patrick Klepeck.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Vive Le Zero Hour!
From across the Atlantic comes word that the French gaming site "InfosGames" has a "Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Dossier" online. It appears to be a game preview with screen shots, and commentary about the game.
Unfortunately, the Altavista Babelfish translator appears to be down, and the page can't be translated. However, for those fans of ours who are French, or can read French, you might want to check out the preview!
Thanks InfosGames.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Goes Gold
Here's some news that will answer a question that everyone's been asking about.
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour has been completed, and is now off to manufacturing. This means that the game itself should street about August 15, 1999. We'll be posting more info about this as it gets closer to the final street date, but for now, we wanted to pass along the news that the game is done!
In the meantime, you can check out our Zero Hour pages to learn more about the game itself (which includes screenshots!)
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Update
In other Duke news, the Duke Nukem Color GameBoy game is nearing completion. 3D Realms is reviewing what is nearly the final version of the game. Recently we pushed really hard for GT to add a battery to the cartridge, so you can save/load your games. No more writing down clumsy passwords for your levels loads. This makes a huge difference in "fun factor" and we're sure you will all agree when you play the game. This is one of the VERY few titles outside of a Nintendo game that actually have a battery on the cart.
Duke Nukem on the Color Gameboy is the perfect game for a trip where you are stuck in a car or plane for a few hours.
Once we sign off on the final version, it will begin the process of review by Nintendo and then getting produced. We will keep you posted along the way.
If you'd like to learn more about Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy, visit our pages for the game, which includes several screenshots!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Preview
The Adrenaline Vault has a new Duke Nukem: Zero Hour preview preview online today. Written by Jason Purdy, this preview looks at the about to be released Duke game for the Nintendo 64. Here's a bit of what Jason has to say..
*The levels themselves will be much more intricate and follow a mission-based system similar to Syphon Filter and Goldeneye...
*From what I've seen so far, it has great graphics, an interesting storyline, innovative gameplay and an arsenal that goes on forever.
*Add a well-designed multiplayer mode and wrap the whole thing around the most charismatic protagonist in the history of gaming, and you have all the makings of a hit.
Make sure to check out the entire preview for more of what Jason has to say, including some new screenshots!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Preview
IGN64 brings you video, video, video! The IGN64 site has a big update to their Duke Nukem: Zero Hour preview preview up now. This new update includes 10 video files you can download and check out, as well as several new screenshots. There's tons to see here, so make sure to head over to IGN today and check the stuff out! Here's a bit from some of the text that comes with the gaggle of Duke Multimedia...
*In Duke's latest adventure, the gun-toting bad-ass learns of an alien plot to destroy mankind. But this is no ordinary, run-of-the mill alien plot like Duke has fended off so many times in the past, this is the real deal.
*The biggest difference between Zero Hour and previous incarnations of Duke is that the game does not take place via an exclusive first-person view a la Quake. Whereas Duke Forever will hit PCs running on the Unreal engine and retaining the series' classic shooter view, Zero Hour takes an alternate approach to the franchise: a third-person view, leaving the first-person action to multiplayer activity only.
*Duke Nukem: Zero Hour looks to be a very promising title for many reasons: the first and most obvious, it's a Duke Nukem game.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Insider Preview
Our own Keith Schuler today updated his .plan file with some information about Duke Nukem: Zero
Hour. He's been heavily involved with the final testing (no, it's not done yet despite what you might hear on some sitew), and had a lot to say about the game and what he's been playing. Take a look...
For the past couple of weeks I have spent much of my free time helping George to play, review, and suggest final design tweaks to Duke's latest foray on the N64, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. What began many months ago as a port of the Playstation hit, Duke Nukem: Time To Kill, has evolved into an entirely unique game, unlike any other Duke Nukem game ever made. The guys at Eurocomm deserve a cheer and a pat on the back for all their hard work and single minded dedication. They have created what is, in my opinion, the best game for the Nintendo 64 since the release of Zelda 64. It will no doubt become one of the best 3rd person "run 'n' gun" games available for any system.
The game begins with Duke in the present day Earth Defense Force compound in New York City, receiving an urgent message on the video monitor. The message is from none other than himself, trapped somewhere in Earth's past. Aliens have travelled back in time to mess up key points in Earth's history. Duke went back in time to fight them, but along the way his time machine was destroyed, and unless the present day Duke travels through time and collects the pieces of the broken time machine, the future will forever be altered by the aliens' evil plot.
So begins Duke's greatest adventure yet. Before he is done he will visit many facinating places, including post-apocalyptic New York City, Fort Roswell (where Area 51 now stands), and a Waterworld-esque man made atoll. He will fly high on the Hindenburg and sink with the Titanic. He will meet interesting people, including General Custer and Jack The Ripper.
Not just another great game, Duke Nukem:Zero Hour is also a feat of technical wizardry for the Nintendo 64. The game resides on a 32Mb cartridge, the largest currently available, and I have no doubt they used every last bit of that memory. Here are some of the amazing things this game accomplishes:
* It has more speech than any other N64 title, and the most speech of any Duke Nukem game on any system. Duke has something different to say for every occasion throughout the gameplay and cinematics. The other characters have plenty to say as well.
* The areas Duke visits are truly vast, and thanks to ingenious programming by the folks at Eurocomm, you won't ever see a foggy clipping plane. These worlds just stretch out seemingly forever.
* The variety of levels is nothing short of incredible. You get to visit New York City in three different time periods, as well as the Old West, Victorian England, and an alien mothership. The adventure spans across eighteen levels, most of which are huge. They are all re-entrant, allowing you to go back and find those secrets you missed the first time through. Even the most skilled players will enjoy 20 hours of gameplay or more.
* The graphics are varied and beautiful. All of the time zones are littered with countless posters, signs, pictures, and decorations, full of both useful information and gags. The enemies also wear costumes appropriate to their respective time zones. If you have the RAM Expansion Pak for your N64, you can play the game with high-res textures, making it even more of a visual treat.
* The control scheme is brilliant. There was a slight learning curve, but once I grew used to the controls, I found I could move around, aim, and circle strafe with all the ease of a mouse.
* Multiplayer "Dukematch" is included for up to four players.
* Eurocomm has included support for the Rumble Pak and, as I stated above, the RAM Expansion Pak. You can save your game progress on the Memory Card that plugs into your controller.
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour should hit the shelves sometime during the next couple of months. I highly recommend it. Those of you starved for some Duke action should pick this title up and check it out. It's just the fix you need until Duke Nukem Forever ships.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
We wanted to point out that we have several books available for sale through our web site (well, they're actually from Amazon.com) about our games.
* First off, we wanted to point out that the two original Shadow Warrior Novels, For Dead
Eyes Only & You Only Die Twice are still available. If you haven't read these books, and you're a Shadow Warrior fan, you should check them out! In fact, we have the full text of the first chapter of For Dead Eyes Only available for you to read online! You can also read several reviews of each book written by people who have read them (or add your own if you wish).
* We also have several book links for titles about Duke Nukem! From strategy guides, to help with editing your own levels, to Internet help, we have something that you can use if you play Duke Nukem (either on the PC or the console games)!
* There's also links to older games like Terminal Velocity & Rise of the Triad, too!
If you want to see the complete list of books we have available, check out our Books page today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Preview
IGN64 has a pretty cool Duke
Nukem: Zero Hour preview online. It's got screen shots, game descriptions, and a short interview with Hugh Binns, one of the folks at Eurocom, the people who are making the game. It's also got zombies. Zombies? How do they fit into a Duke Nukem game? Well, you'll need to check out the full preview to find out. Here's a few tidbits from the preview:
* As always, Nukem is armed with an impressive array of weapons; everything from the standard handgun and shotgun to lightning rods and sniper-rifles. Because of this precision kills are easily executable, and in some rare cases a necessity.
* You can shoot them (zombies) in the nads. We've got specific animations for when they're shot in the groin. Some of them really are quite gory. And you can do all of this with the sniper rifle as well. You can zoom right in and blow the legs of zombies off and so on."
The preview also offers their suggestions on some lines that Duke Nukem should speak in the game. There is also a link to a slightly older Zero Hour preview IGN64 did there as well.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
New Duke Nukem Games Announced!
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 22, 1999-- Rockstar Games, the high end video game publishing division of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO - news), Gathering of Developers, Ltd., and 3D Realms, Inc., today announced that it has acquired the rights to publish a game starring the legendary Duke Nukem character. The game, yet to be titled, will feature gaming's original bad boy in third person perspective for a soon to be identified next-generation video game console platform.
``We're thrilled to see Duke Nukem blazing his way into future generations of console hardware,'' stated Scott Miller, head of 3D Realms. Mr. Miller added, ``We are confident that the Gathering and Rockstar share the passion and dedication to the continued success of the Duke Nukem franchise that we at 3D Realms do.''
So begins the press release put out yesterday announcing a new title in the Duke Nukem line for an as of yet unspecified next generation game console. There is no information about this game at this point, the deal was just reached a few days ago. We're mentioning it here to confirm that this is real. The game has no name, and no information as to platform availability yet.
In more Duke news, there is also a color Gameboy project underway. 3D Portal reported on some of the features a couple of days ago, but we wanted to let you know what they are here:
* Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Features
* 16 levels!
* An annihilating arsenal of futuristic weapons! Blasters! Laser cannons! Missiles! Flame-throwers! And space shuttle dogfights!
* A murderous horde of enemies! Enemy mutations! Robo-droids and rabid-crazy alien guards challenge Duke Nukem on every level!
* Greater Nukem mobility! Duke flips! Travels hand-over-hand across pipes, chains, and ropes! Crouches and shootsupward!
* Special powers. Invincibility! Super shots and deadlier guns!
* Great secrets and features! Soda can power-ups! Turkeys for food and explosive, secret surprises!
The Color Gameboy title will be getting its own page here shortly, as well as the Duke Nukem: Zero Hour game. Keep your eyes peeled!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem on Nintendo Magazine Cover
Well not Duke Nukem, but one of the new bad ass L.A.R.D. pig cops who'll be fighting Duke in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, due out by this summer. Zero Hour got a very revealing 11-page spread in the official Nintendo Magazine, and a boat load of rave comments, such as...
*Everything in Zero Hour is bigger, badder 'n' better. Zero Hour's gonna totally blow you away. Hail to the king, baby!
*Zero Hour is full of cool Duke sayings.
*Everything is fully three dimensional, and yes, all monsters are incredibly lifelike.
*Zero Hour features a really cool four player mode.
Keep in mind that Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is only for the N64, and is a completely original game. Shown here is a scan of the magazine cover that this article appears in. You can click on it for a larger version of the magazine cover.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Preview
The Nintendo64 Underground Web site has a preview of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Online today. It includes a couple of screenshots, as well as game information. Zero Hour is being developed as an original game for the Nintendo 64 (there will be no PC version of it). Here's a bit of what they had to say about the game:
*OK, this is more like it. Not a quickie Duke Nukem game made to earn a fast buck. This is the real deal.
*The graphics in Zero Hour are simply gorgeous. The lighting effects, even in still screenshots are a sight to behold.
*This is the type of game that every self respecting N64 owner will want in their library
For more about this upcoming Duke Nukem title, make sure and check out the full preview over at N64 Underground.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Zero Hour Preview
Silent News has a new question and answer session with Eurocom, the makers of the newest Duke console title, "Duke Nukem: Zero Hour". Zero Hour is an original game for the Nintendo 64. Following this year's PSX-only game, "Duke Nukem: Time to Kill", Zero Hour will also be exclusive to that platform (there will be no PC version of the game). Here's some of what was said about Zero Hour in the Q&A session:
Silent News: How many levels/stages does the game currently have?
Eurocom: Currently there are 20 single player and 8 multi-player only levels.
Silent News: What weapons does Zero Hour have? Any new ones?
Eurocom: There are too many weapons to describe here - over 25 in total. There are several which are specific to a time periods, such a Volt-Cannon in the Victorian levels.
Silent News: What makes Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (different than) Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill for PlayStation?
Eurocom: They are both cool games, but aside from the time travel story they are completely different. Duke ZH has totally unique level design, art, animation, gameplay style and audio.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Reviews
We have two Duke Nukem: Time to Kill reviews for you today.
The first comes from Adrenaline Vault. Here's some of what they say about it:
... Nukemites might appreciate the change in gameplay while keeping the famous Duke style: all of the interactive "adult" subtleties and wise-cracking comments of the previous titles are present. Bullets leave holes in walls, strippers can be gunned down by misogynistic players, Coke machines restore life and mirrors can be shattered. Duke�s one-liners are also found within. There�s the new "lizards make great boots" line, the odd health-acquiring "I feel good" impersonation of James Brown, and the mildly offensive "suck my boomstick" remark Duke makes when drawing his shotgun.
The second comes from Gaming Age Online, and here's a small tidbit of what they said about the game:
It�s interesting to note that n Space has actually made an attempt at a somewhat interesting storyline here. Duke will travel to different time periods, like the Old West and Ancient Rome, and dress accordingly (read: Duke dons a kilt, a cowboy hat or a toga). The results are hilarious.
Make sure to check out both of these reviews today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Review
There's a new Duke review online. It's by Gamespot TV, and reviews the Playstation game, Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. This is not your normal web review, this is a Real Video enhanced review of the game, which has two people from their staff talking about the game, while the game plays on screen. Here's some of what they had to say about the game:
* This game could put a dent in your social life.
* Developer n-Space has done a great job of creating immersive landscapes and keeping alive the cartoonish feel of the original. The action is up to Duke's usual standards, consisting mostly of messy gun-fighting and after-hours carousing. You can adjust the splatter factor, but this game isn't for the squeamish. And of course, there's plenty of crude humor, from the typical prurient content found in previous Duke games to old fashioned bathroom jokes.
The entire video review runs about 2 minutes and 45 seconds, and requires the RealPlayer to see it. Also included in this review is a section they call "Game Breakers", which gives you a few small hints about game play. Make sure to check it out today! Thanks TC.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Zero Hour Interview
IGN64 has posted an interview with the team of developers from Eurocom, the company developing Duke Nukem: Zero Hour for the Nintendo 64 (the same team developed the already out Duke Nukem 64 game title). Duke Nukem: Zero hour is a Nintendo64 Exclusive game that is due in Spring/Summer of 1999. In the same type of adventure game vein as Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, Zero Hour promises to bring all the fun and excitement of Duke Nukem to the Nintendo 64 platform in ways you haven't seen before. Below is a small tidbit from the full interview:
IGN64: When we think of Duke Nukem we think of violence. Will Zero Hour have its fair-share?
Eurocom: Oh yeah, there's a ton of violence and death. We've gone for a lot of killing shots that blow big holes through people. You can blow holes through someone's torso, you can blow half of their head off, parts of their face off and take the back of their head off. You can shoot them in the nads. We've got specific animations for when they're shot in the groin. Some of them really are quite gory. And you can do all of this with the sniper rifle as well. You can zoom right in and blow the legs of zombies and so on.
The picture to your right is some concept art from the game. If you check out the interview, you'll see more such art, as well as a few screenshots!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Rated Higher than Tomb Raider 3
Over at Gamespot UK, TTK scores an 87%, while TR3 settles for an 80% score.
The review for TR3 references TTK is several places, pointing to TTK's superiority, stating: "...there are in fact a few elements introduced in the very similar 3D adventure Duke Nukem: Time to Kill that could have helped Tomb Raider III."
The TR3 review also says, "For those who are looking to shoot or carve through tons of foes in a 3D environment, there are games like GT Interactive's Duke Nukem: Time to Kill...but the Tomb Raider line remains more about puzzles than combat."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Kill Scores 95% in PS Extreme
PS Extreme, one of the top Playstation specific magazines, gave Time to Kill a glowing review, with the reviewer saying the game is "...one of the best titles I've played all year."
A few more juicy quotes:
* "TTK plays like a testosterone-injected, bosom-deflated version of Tomb Raider, with the notable differences being the game environments, intense shooting action, and that Duke panache."
* "The game is graphically impressive, running in the Playstation's 512 x 240 [highest] resolution and the levels are large and detailed."
* "Gameplay is the thing in TTK and the game has more depth than any prior game sporting the 'Nukem' label."
* "The level design from beginning to end is tight, interesting and extremely detailed. The old west, for example, is made up of a "High Noon" style town and the caves, water ways and gold mines that lie beneath it." In the mines, there are a series of huge, electrically powered drills that are used to core and make tunnels."
* "TTK is an engrossing adventure that goes way beyond the previous limitations of first-person Duke games to establish a new benchmark...I highly recommend it to fans of adventure, Duke and Lara Croft."
In other Time to Kill news, GamePro's review of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill gives the game high marks, saying "...it's all about action, baby, and Duke won't let you down." The review raves: "Tons of bad-ass weapons and secrets, solid puzzle-solving adventure elements, and two-player split-screen deathmatches keep you deep in the game." Finally, GamePro writes, "The sound kicks as much ass as Duke himself, with scorching weapon effects and atmospheric tunes. The hilarious Duke-isms are icing on the cake, as he comments on everything from the local babes to South Park's Mr. Hanky!"
We've heard that TTK is selling fast and furious, and is one of the top Playstation games for Xmas. Don't miss out!
For more information on Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, check out our Product Catalog.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
More Zero Hour
Following up on yesterday's Zero Hour preview, we got word (from Doug Howell) that there was a preview of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour published on videogames.com's site on Nov 2nd. Here's a bit of what they had to say from their full preview:
* Even if you've seen the movies Evil Dead 2 and They Live a hundred times and know all his lines backwards and forwards, there's still a certain irresistible charm to 3D Realms' trash-talking Schwarzeneggarian hero, Duke Nukem.
* On the graphical front, all the characters will be composed of polygonal models instead of the old Duke Nukem 3D sprites, and the game will feature colored fog, Gouraud shading, and all the other bells and whistles you've come to expect on the Nintendo 64 (possibly even boosted into high-res mode through the N64 RAM Pak).
* An intriguing package overall to be sure, made more so by the fact that the developers will hopefully have been able to learn from their previous efforts on the N64....
Make sure to check out this preview today, as it has a lot of screenshots (their page says there are 49 of them)!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Zero Hour Preview!
There is a new preview online for the upcoming Nintendo 64 exclusive game, "Duke Nukem: Zero Hour". This is a totally original game for the N64 platform, both in content and graphics. It's not a port of a PC game, nor is it a port of the PSX title "Time to Kill". Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is a third person perspective Duke Nukem adventure game, exclusively for the N64. Zero Hour will not be ported to the PSX, the PC, or anything else.
IGN has got the preview for Zero Hour, and here's a little of what they had to say about it.
Traveling back through time has itsadvantages, especially if you happen to be a girl-saving tough-guy from the future. Here are just a few of the time-zones players can obliterate as Nukem:
* Post apocalyptic and present daystreets of New York City where he will fight throughout the cities streets, at and in the Statue of Liberty, and on destroyed highways throughout the metropolitan area.
* The Old West where he will face his adversaries in western towns, jails, on paddle steamers, in old western forts, and in mines.
* Victorian England in and about towns, in graveyards, on rivers, in airships, inside island castles and inside scientists labs.
* "Time zone" -- GT Interactive won't say what this is just, only that it's a "secret."
Thankfully, Zero Hour will feature a four-player split-screen deathmatch mode in which players can hunt one-another down. Details regarding the feature are still sketchy, but IGN64.com speculates that players will be able to control variations of the Nukem through a pre-set number of deathmatch-specific levels. In other words, a style very similar to Rare's Goldeneye.
Make sure to head over to the IGN preview of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, and check it out today (it also has some screenshots, too). Thanks to Robert Leger for pointing this out to us.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill "Truly Excels"
GameCenter's review of Time to Kill says: "Without a doubt, Time to Kill is a great game for Duke fans. Finally, we have a Tomb Raider-esque game with balls."
Be sure to check out the Gamecenter review, which also made these great comments:
"This Duke game showcases excellent graphics, sound, and gameplay."
"While Duke is traveling thorough these different eras, his weapons change with the times as well: very cool."
"Gameplay is where Time to Kill truly excels."
"The game runs in 640 by 480 high-res mode, making the object details very sharp. The graphics engine also shows off dynamic lighting and shadows. The more powerful weapons, such as the rocket-propelled grenade and Holy Grenades, showcase cool explosion effects that reflect off walls and ceilings."
"...the temporal-travel aspect of the game is a brilliant twist that makes playing Duke Nukem: Time to Kill time well spent."
"It's nice to see a title give Lara a run for her money. And what makes Duke Nukem: Time to Kill that much better is the over-the-top personality of the main character, Duke Nukem."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Kill is #1
Electronics Boutique has released its sales figures for the last week for cartridge game sales. In a spectacular showing, Duke Nukem: Time to Kill entered the chart at #1! Here's a listing of all the games in their chart:
1. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (PSX)
2. Tenchu (PSX)
3. NFL Blitz (PSX)
4. NHL 99 (PSX)
5. Madden 99 (PSX)
6. Parasite Eve (PSX)
7. NFL Blitz (Nintendo 64)
8. Ninja (PSX)
9. Madden 99 (Nintendo 64)
10. Test Drive 5 (PSX)
In other Duke Nukem: Time to Kill News, there's a new review of the game online over at IGN. Here's some of what they had to say about it:
* Duke Nukem: Time to Kill is a real hybrid game, a meshing of Tomb Raider and Duke's finest qualities. It's not Tomb Raider, but it's no longer the fast-paced, whiz-bang, first-person shooter of old, either.
* And of course, let us not forget the babes, who are here in scantily clad fashion, doing things to poles you would be embarrassed to tell to your mother.
The review has several videos and still shots at the end of it, so make sure to head over to IGN and check out the review today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Next Generation Does Time to Kill
For all of Duke Nukem's machismo and loveable sexism, you would think that the mega multiplatform commando franchise man would just stay right where he's most comfortable -- in the realm of the first-person shooter. Well, on the PlayStation this fall, you'd be wrong.
That's the start of Next Generation's Time to Kill review of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, the new Duke game out on the Sony Playstation. We won't hype it anymore, here's another quote from the full review.
The apocalyptic environments spilling over with strips joints and dire nights are joined via time travel with landscapes from imperial Rome, medieval Europe, and America's wild west, to name a few. Frankly, it's kind of weird to see Duke in a white cloth with high-strapped sandals, but hey, Charleton Heston never looked that good in bed sheets either, and he got away with it.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Kill Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks magazine has an extensive Duke Nukem: Time to Kill strategy article in their current November issue. In it, they have some great comments about the game:
"Duke's back on the PlayStation, and he's looking better than ever! The creators of this game should take a bow; Lara finally has some solid competition. The lighting effects and fluid animation can really get you going, and Duke's off-the-cuff remarks are hilarious, making references to a ton of sitcoms and movies. If you're a Duke Nukem or Tomb Raider fan, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. You sure won't run out of things to see or hear!"
For those who may not know, Time to Kill is the first totally original Duke Nukem game since Duke Nukem 3D released early in 1996. 3D Realms was extensively involved with the making of this game, along with n-Space. This game has all of the Duke Nukem attitude, humor, action, interactivity, babes and hardcore edge you'd expect from a Duke Nukem game. We broke a few rules getting this game by Sony's censors and suits, so you'd better get your copy fast before they realize what we've done!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Download
Coming to a store near you any day now is Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. As part of the promotion around the game's release, there is a TV commercials airing for the game. If you haven't seen it (or even if you have), we now have available for download two QuickTime Movie files of the commercial.
* ttkcomm1.mov - 30 second commercial @ 160x120 (4.47Mb)
* ttkcomm2.mov - 30 second commercial @ 320x240 (9.75Mb)
Both of these files are the same, the only difference is the size of the video.
Time to Kill should be in a store near you soon. Look for the Time to Kill Standup at a computer store near you. The picture to your right is a shot of the one we have in our conference room (you can click on it for a huge version of the picture).

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Update
We've got some news about Time to Kill:
* Electronic Boutique (EB) has already gotten major pre-orders from fans. And the number we're told is a strong indication that the game is going to be a big hit.
* The game is expected to be in stores starting next weekend, and is expected to sell out very fast.
* TV ads for the game start Monday.
* The technology of Time to Kill is more advanced than previous third-person games.
Remember, Time to Kill is strictly a custom designed Playstation game, developed to take advantage of the Playstation in every way. There will not be ports of the game to the PC or other consoles. This game has much of the mature content and attitude of Duke Nukem 3D, so it's not your typical kiddie game. It's got Duke's attitude, gags, and kickass action. Buy it at your own risk.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Kill Strategy Guide
Following up on yesterday's Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Update, we told you about our new Duke Nukem: Time to Kill section.
Today we bring you news of the Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Exclusive Strategy Guide. This book is published by GW Press, and everything you need to rage through the ages as the Duke of Carnage annihilates ancient Rome, conquers the Dark Ages, and tames the Wild West. Unlock all the secrets, collect everything, be the master of Time to Kill!
Click on the book image to be taken to our Books Page, where you can read some more about the book, and order it today! The book is not actually out yet, but you can pre-order it (through Amazon.com), and it will be shipped to you when it is ready.
Bonus: Also added to the books page today are the guides for Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown and Duke Nukem 64. You can order these two books off of our web site as well, by going to visit our Books Page today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill is Revolutionary
Absolute Playstation rates Duke Nukem: Time to Kill as "Revolutionary"! Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, expected to hit stores later this month, is off to a fast start, getting nothing but rave reviews. Absolute Playstation just posted their review of Duke (final rating: 94%) and had several cool things to say about the game and The Man:
"The greatest action hero in gaming is back in an all-new, revolutionary third-person frag-fest, exclusively for the Playstation game console...proving once more that the only good alien is a dead one!"
"Time to Kill involves guiding the Duke through 28 massive levels that are located in Modern Los Angeles, Roman Times, the Old West and the Medieval Era. Not only does the Dukes clothes change to accommodate each world but his weapons also move along with the times."
"...a dynamic CG intro that will take your breath away."
"Each world that is visited looks visually impressive and the intelligent use of lighting creates a realistic 3D environment that supersedes past efforts. Just wait until you feast your eye's over the Roman and Western worlds. The variety of textures and colors that comes out of the Playstation is amazing. You won't be disappointed."
"...the superb background music complements the action superbly."
"There are also rope swings, crates to push, collapsing floors...and plenty of babes!"
Playability rated: 48 out of 50!
Value rated: 19 out of 20!
It doesn't get much better than this! Make sure to check out our Time to Kill Pages here on 3drealms.com for info, screenshots, and more on Time to Kill!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill
We have a new addition to our web site today. We've added a section for Duke Nukem: Time to Kill to our Product Catalog. In it, you can find some info about the game, ordering information, and view screenshots! In fact, to commemorate the opening of this new area, we've placed forty-five screen shots online in this new area - several are new, exclusive screen shots!
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill is currently slated to be out on October 15th, 1998. Just a reminder that GT Interactive is offering a free Duke Nukem Action Figure if you pre-order Duke Nukem: Time to Kill direct through them. Click on the graphic to your right to go to the special sale area, and click on the Time to Kill Logo to get to our Time to Kill pages. You can also get to a complete list of our games and other products by clicking on "Our Games" on the menu to your left.
Look for more about this hot new game in the weeks ahead!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
New Time to Kill Promo Video Online
There is a new Time to Kill promotional video on-line. It has some great action shots, as well, it shows off allot of the different weapons that will be in the game. Although the music is not final, it is a good look at the game because of the great action shots of Duke.
You can get the Time to Kill Real Video here.
If you need the Real Player you can get it here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
3D Realms at ECTS
A lot has happened over the US Labor Day Weekend, and we're back in gear to let you know what's going on. First up is coverage of the 1998 ECTS Show (That's the UK equivalent of E3). There's been several previews and comments about our titles there, so here's what we've found...
1. Max Payne Preview - Set in contemporary New York, the game will not draw upon science-fiction elements for its weapons array. Instead, each gun has a real-world equivalent. While this may not be so revolutionary, the modeling of the weapons is. Max Payne will feature a 3D particle-based system, so that muzzle flashes are both randomized and ultrarealistic.
2. Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Preview - Move over Lara Croft, Duke's coming to get a piece of your third person action.
3. Duke Nukem Forever Preview - The two chaps charged with keeping the laughs � John St John and George Broussard - have plenty of source material. Ideas being kicked around include a visit out in the desert to a place called Slick Willy's - where rooms will be called Paula Jones or Monika Lewinsky. Vocal jokes will abound too as the ever cynical Duke "Borrows some guy's ass..." to get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
4. Prey Preview - Prey is widely touted as the true next generation in first-person shoot 'em-ups, with a powerful, original engine, advanced geometry and mind-bending potential for interactivity. Its 3D engine adopts a new system known as Portal Technology, which allows a full six degrees of freedom in a very, very smooth environment.
Also, the Max Payne Preview has a couple of screenshots, make sure to check them out, too. All four of these links come from Gamespot UK, a European Gaming News site. Thanks to 3D Portal for the link info.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Preview
The site playstationfan.com has a new preview of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill. This preview has some more screenshots, some spooging, and a couple of animated web images for you to check out. Here's some of what they say...
1. Not a sequel to Total Meltdown, but a whole new pig shooting', alien ass kicking' adventure!
2. Trying out different weapons from the crossbow to the gatling gun in the various time zones is great fun.
3. With each time zone having totally different scenery, right down to the smallest objects, you definitely won't get bored of your surroundings.
4. ... it's an excellent game that's well worthy of your cash. An essential purchase.
Check out the entire preview here!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Info
There were a few developments in the Time to Kill world recently.
videogames.com has updated their Duke Nukem: Time to Kill preview with some new screenshots. They now have a total of 19 different shots for the game. You can check out the preview here.
Wipeout over at 3D Portal tells us this... "There is a new Playstation Jam Pack Demo CD available that features many demos of some of the hottest Playstation games. Among that CD, there is a playable demo of Duke Nukem: Time To Kill! You can get your hands on this disc for around $5, a very good price, so be sure to pick up your copy!"
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill & Zero Hour Updates
As many of you know, there has been a Duke Nukem original game underway for the Sony Playstation for some time. It's called "Duke Nukem: Time to Kill". It's due out this fall "when it's done".
GT Interactive (the distributor) has a page up for Duke Nukem: Time to Kill on their web site. Our own Duke Nukem pages are under construction, and we're waiting on some materials from the game developer before our site is released. Look for that soon.
In other news, the other original cartridge game is now starting to have some information trickle out about it. This original game is being done for the Nintendo64, and is called "Duke Nukem: Zero Hour". 3D Portal has alerted me to some links that have popped up about this new Duke Nukem game (slated only for the N64 due out in 1999). You can check them out at:
1. IGN64.com's Zero Hour Report - Has some game info and a few screen shots.
2. Videogames.com's report on Zero Hour - Very little text, but does have some (different) screenshots.
Update Aug 2006: Links removed, as they're no longer on the net.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Updates
Here's some news updates about Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, the all new Duke Nukem game coming this year for the Sony Playstation. Check 'em out:
1. Gamespot - This article has new information about the multi-player modes of the game as well as multi-player screenshots!
2. Gamefan Online - This is a fabulous article on the game - some major spooging going on here. :)
3. Game Informer - Has a brief synopsis of the game, with some new screenshots.
Also, we will have our own pages coming soon for Duke Nukem: Time to Kill here. We'll post another announcement once they're closer to being ready for prime-time. :)
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
The E3D Realms Report
3D Realms has been nominated in several categories of the UGO Best of E3 Show awards. These awards are given out on June 22nd, but in the meantime, here's a list of what we're nominated for..
1. Most Promising New Game - Prey (Awarded to a title not part of an existing franchise)
2. Best PC Game - Duke Nukem Forever
3. Best Action Game - Duke Nukem Forever
4. Best Action Game - Prey
In other awards news, The All Games Network has handed out their awards from E3, and this is what we won:
1. Best Action Game - Prey
2. Most Anticipated Game - Duke Nukem Forever
3. Titles to Watch - Max Payne
In Photo Archive news, I've placed 20 more pictures online. That brings it to a total of 80 regular shots, and 70 Booth Babe shots. I'm probably about halfway done with the regular shots - I hope to have them all online before the end of the week.
UPDATE @ 7PM: 20 more pictures put online! That's a total of 100 now. I've got about 40 left to go.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Time to Kill Update
Videogames.com has put online the third in their series of Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Designer Diaries. This third entry, from Dan O'Leary (the producer) focuses on Duke's new cool aiming mode, and also has the first movies of the game showing it in action! Here's a short excerpt from the article:
The TTK camera has been designed to give a clear view in the direction of motion without sacrificing Duke's onscreen presence or the player's ability to blast baddies without remorse. This is a difficult balance to strike, but I think our efforts have paid off. As in most third-person products, our camera is dynamic and intelligent - floating along behind Duke in a non-rigid fashion, dollying in and out to avoid collision or penetration with the environment. In addition, our camera supports context-sensitive motion - panning left and right, up and down, based on player actions, to provide the best possible view of the situation. For example, as Duke shimmies along a ledge hand over hand, the camera pans left or right to best frame the action. The same goes for ladder and pole climbs, wall climbs, etc.
Make sure to check out this update, as this is your first moving sneak peek at the next Duke Nukem game, Time to Kill.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Time to Kill Previewed
Gaming Age has a short but very visual preview of the game Duke Nukem: Time to Kill on their site. From their review:
Time to Kill sounds like it's going to be hot, and should serve to satiate the legions of Duke fans still calling for Duke Forever.
In addition, the preview has a ton of screenshots, so make sure to check it out! You can get there by clicking on the logo here.
In other Time to Kill news, Gameslice will be having a Duke Nukem: Time to Kill preview available Monday. Make sure to check out Gameslice for the latest!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
It's Time Again
for a Duke Nukem: Time to Kill preview. This time the review comes from videogames.com (thanks to 3D Portal for telling us about it), and is the first in a series of development updates. This first entry is how the game came to be conceived, as well as some screenshots. Check it out here.
Also, in a news exclusive, we found that Duke may have been indirectly involved in the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 while on a chase across time, and that an iceberg didn't sink the big oceanliner. How so? Check out this telegram that we received at 3D Realms HQ yesterday. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
For those of you who can't recognize the joke, this is not real, of course. This is one of the "Marconigrams" you can send someone over the internet on the Titanic Movie Web Site at http://www.titanicmovie.com. However, the videogame development report IS real.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Update
A few developers from n-Space visited 3D Realms last Friday to give us a full demonstration of DN: T2K for the Playstation platform. From what we saw it's a fairly safe bet that this game is going to be a giant hit. In the game Duke travels through several time zones chasing aliens who are trying to defeat Duke by changing history. Duke battles in present day locations, and goes back in time to scenarios such as the Old West and the Roman Era. The game is slated for release later this year.
Led by Erick Dyke, n-Space is surely one of the up-and-coming development houses to keep an eye on, with several other top-notch games also in progress.
However, there's a little concern about n-Space's game playing ability, at least if Ted Newman, one of their key designers on DN: T2K, is any indication. Scott Miller, head of Apogee, made the challenge that he is invincible at Mario Kart 64. Ted, claiming he was the best MK64 player at n-Space, keenly accepted the challenge, and was soundly beaten on each and every track raced, with an average ranking of 7 (of 8), while Scott mostly ranked number 1 during the many races. Some said it was Scott's trash talking that disrupted Ted's play style, while others opined that Ted just sucked!
A rematch has been set for E3 on one of the big video walls at the GT booth. Ted was last seen practicing during his lunch hour. And for the rematch, Scott promises not to play some of the tracks with the controller upside down, which seemed to distract Ted noticeably from his game plan.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
More Game Reviews
There have been some more reviews of our games popping up around the net lately. Here they are:
* Sega Saturn Duke Nukem 3D Review from sega-saturn.com.
* Gamespot's Balls of Steel Review (You can also add your own review, if you're a registered user of their system)
The Sega Saturn review of Duke3D is positively glowing. From their review: In short Duke Nukem is one of the finest games to arrive on the Saturn, if you miss this game from your list you are missing out, it is a must have.
If you'd like to see our list of Balls of Steel reviews, check out our Balls of Steel Info Page.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:01 PM
Duke in Time
PSM Online today put a preview of DUKE NUKEM: TIME TO KILL online. This is a game being developed by N-Space as a console only game for the Sony Playstation. There is also a Nintendo64 version of the game under development as well by Eurocom (the same people who did the Duke Nukem 64 conversion).
Just when you thought Los Angeles was safe (from aliens anyway), Duke Nukem is called to action again to defend Earth from another alien attack. This time, however, the aliens have developed a new technology that enables them to venture through time in an attempt to enslave the human race... and Duke is gonna have to kick their asses yet again.... even if he has to travel through time to do it!
You can check out their preview here. In addition to their review, they have over a dozen screen shots from this game online!
Additionally, the March issue of GamePro Magazine will have a cover article on Duke Nukem: Time To Kill. Seek it out, it's supposed to be hitting the stands now.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Tiger Duke Nukem Update
We've been told that the TigerToys version of Duke Nukem 3D is now in stores. The game.com system is a small hand held gaming unit. The cartridges for this unit are fairly small. As an example, see the actual game.com Duke3D cartridge next to the cartridge for Duke Nukem 64 below!
Anyway, if you have one of these units, make sure to pick up your copy!
There is more information available on this port (including screenshots) on our Console Games Page.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:01 PM
Duke Rips the N64 a New One!
Over 500,000 cartridges of Duke Nukem 64 ship to retailers worldwide--one of the biggest ever roll-outs for the N64. Based on Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem 64 for Nintendo's N64 features 32 levels of game play, each with all-new architecture and layout unique to the N64 version, plus incredible new special effects and true 3D bosses.
A press release by publisher GT Interactive Software, wrote: "In one of its largest product introductions to date, GT Interactive Software Corp. (NASDAQ: GTIS - news) this week is shipping more than 500,000 units...Duke Nukem N64 is supported by a multitiered marketing program which includes a TV campaign..."
Expect the game to be in the usual retail outlets (Target, Toys R Us, Electronics Boutique, etc.) within days. With most of the coming N64 games missing 1997 due to unexpected delays, Duke's not going to have much competition. And with previews and reviews stating this is a must-buy game, what are you waiting for...Christmas?
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:01 PM
Duke is #1 on Sega Saturn!
As reported in Computer Trade Weekly, Duke Nukem debuted at #1 in his first week on the chart on the Sega Saturn. Reviews for this game have been outstanding, with none below 90%, and at least one 100% so far! The Saturn version is not watered down in any respect, and contains all the kick-ass content and attitude of the PC version, along with better special effects.
Make sure to visit Sega's page for the Sega Duke Nukem 3D, as well as checking out Next Generations' Review of Duke3D Saturn.
Duke Nukem 64 (for the N64, visit http://www.n64.com) and Duke Nukem Total Meltdown (for the Playstation) have also been highly praised, and will be in stores this month. Both games have many extras, such as new levels, new weapons, new Duke comments, and plenty of new explosive special effects.
The Duke Nukem Kill-O-Ton Collection for the PC should also be in stores this month, and contains everything ever released for Duke on the PC in one package.
Come get some, or Duke might have to rip you a new one!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:01 PM
