Max Payne: The Next Great Anti-Hero
That's the title of PC Gamers "Exclusive Scoop" in the just out May issue (Vol. 8, No. 5)--just look for Max Payne on the cover.
Us and Remedy (the developers) have kept fairly quiet about this game during it's three years of development, but PC Gamer twisted our arms out-of-socket, finally convincing us and Remedy into giving them the first ever extensive hands-on look at the game, and here's a few juicy quotes from their six-page article:

"Defiantly original, soaked in style, fiendishly well-written, and sporting one sequence of jaw-dropping action after another, Max Payne will be the most talked-about action game since Half-Life."
"The darkest, meanest, and most entertaining action game in years is almost here, and PC Gamer can now say with authority that it will have been worth the wait."
"...the actual gameplay is flat-out brilliant."
"Max Payne is simultaneously an absorbing crime drama, a stunning visual achievement of cinematic ambition, and a relentlessly rewarding shoot-'em-up."
"The game's introductory 'mission' is a brutal tour de force that will guarantee your rapt attention over the dozens of hours that follow."
"Story is the bedrock of Max Payne. Yeah, it's chock full of mind-blowing gunplay. But at every turn, a new and clever piece of noir storytelling will motivate you forward and illuminate the action."
"Being in control of when you dive and roll in slo-mo gives you an inventive advantage over your opposition...[and] also happens to be the most frickin' cool device ever employed in an action game."
"Everything is destructible, and comes apart realistically...You've never played action sequences with this level of demolition."
"Insanely fun. The most involving, innovative action game you've played in years...the dawn of genuinely compelling storytelling in the action genre."
The article goes into great depth and detail, and includes many new screen shots. Be sure to check it out at a newsstand near you!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM