Max Payne Daily Review
Gamers Uplink Network
Rating: 97.5%
Right from the start the player is drawn into this epic tale of greed, deception, and death...The game's story is of big budget movie caliber, and is even reminiscent of the hit television show The Sopranos. However there is so much more to this great game.
Ever wonder what it would be like to be the hero of a John Woo movie? Just imagine that and multiply it by a factor of 10 and that's what Max is all about.
The game's environments are diverse to say the least. n one chapter you must chase a member of the mob along rooftops, through buildings, and even catch a train ride by jumping onto a moving car as it rumbles by. As you follow along after him, there will be dozens of his goons you have to fight your way through.
Max Payne gets my vote for one of the coolest games ever. Everything it throws at you is top notch. The gameplay is fun and innovative, the graphics are to die for, the sound is just exquisite, and with the addition of what should be hundreds of mods to play, the replay factor is enormous. Even if you are not a fan of action games, Max deserves a shot. The story will keep anyone engrossed in the game.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
Max Payne Playstation 2 Review
In more Max Payne console news, IGN has posted a preview of the PS2 version of Max Payne. Here's a bit of what they had to say about it:
The PlayStation 2 version of the game that I played today is a remarkably accurate rendition of the PC original. It's a near-perfect port, with everything that's in the PC version packed right into it. The biggest alterations are mostly in the production, and they hardly affect gameplay.
Regardless of whether you have, or have not, played the PC version, Max Payne on PS2 retains 100% of the original's fun factor, and 100% of its kick-butt action.
Producer 3D Realms and developer Remedy give players three controller config setups from which to choose. The control feels better than decent, and it only took a few minutes to get used to doing everything necessary.
If you have a Playstation II, this is the title you'll want for your holiday game play. You can pre-order your copy today through Amazon.com.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
Max Payne Console Release Dates
We promised you that once we got official word on what the street date was for the Xbox & Playstation 2 versions of Max Payne that we'd bring it to you, and here it is.
* In the US, the Xbox & PS2 versions of Max Payne will street on December 7th.
* In Europe, the PS2 version of Max Payne will be released on January 11th.
* Also in Europe, the Xbox version of Max Payne should be around March or so, but it's dependant on when the Xbox is actually released in Europe.
We ourselves will not be selling the console games direct from 3D Realms, but you can pre-order them now from Amazon's site by clicking on the Xbox & PS2 boxes below.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
Xbox Max Payne Interview
With the impending release of Max Payne on the Xbox & PS2 here in the US (see below for more on that), Gamespot has brought us an interview with Petri Jarvilehto, project lead for Max Payne. This interview talks about the process in converting the game from the PC over to the Xbox - it's quite an interesting read. Make sure and give it a read, even if you don't have an Xbox. Has some night insight into game design. One of the better quotes from this interview is shown here:
GS: How did you approach translating the PC control scheme to the Xbox controller?
PJ: As we all know, 3D shooters do not often play well on console controllers. But we avoided this problem by designing Max Payne as a console game even though it appeared on the PC first. Players will be right at home with maneuvering Max through bullet-time bliss. In short, the left analog stick moves Max forward, backward, and side to side, and the right analog stick controls where Max looks, up, down, and left and right. The D-pad allows for very rapid weapon selection. The two trigger buttons fire Max's weapon and activate bullet time. It's all intuitive and simple, and it quickly becomes second nature when playing the game.
In related Max Payne coverage, Gamespot also has a review of the Xbox Max Payne up too. It's quite complimentary, and speaks to a few of the differences between the PC & Xbox versions of the game, so check it out.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Game Club Central
Rating: 9/10
Max Payne has exploded (literally) on the scene with an excellent story, unparallel graphics, and gameplay that is so simple, yet so innovative, that many developers will try to copy what Remedy has created.
Combining bullet-time with one of Max's many diving moves will allow you to use one of the most exciting gameplay mechanics that the gaming industry has ever seen. Words really cannot describe how great this game plays.
The story also deserves mention, as this is the backbone of the game, and the main reason I didn't get any sleep when Max Payne came out. The story draws you into the world of Max Payne almost immediately and keeps you involved and close to the monitor throughout by using comic strips and voice acting.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:35 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
ECTS 2001: Awards
PC Game of the Year (by website visitors) - Max Payne
The awards, known officially as "Stars", have been announced today in London, and should, by all respects, represent the best of the best in terms of ECTS coolness.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 PM
Ultimate Payne Day 1
IGN has started coverage of the Max Payne release for the Xbox. Their web site is running an article entitled "Ultimate Payne", the first day of coverage is up. The first day gives some basic information about Max Payne (the game) - which will be familiar territory for those accustomed to the PC version of the game.
If you're not familiar with Max Payne, and have an Xbox, then you should check out IGN's check out IGN's coverage of the Xbox Max Payne - you'll be glad you did. You can also get more information on the PC version of Max Payne by visiting our Max Payne pages here on the 3DR site.
There is no release date set yet for the Xbox Max Payne (or the Playstation 2 Max Payne), but they're expected to be released shortly. Once a release date is available, we will bring that to you here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
GameSpot (Australia)
Review Here
Rating: 91%
It is an intense story, which may be a large part of Max's appeal. The fact that Max is absolutely on the edge almost seems to logically explain why he has such a supernatural intensity during gunfights. Seldom do plots as adult and mature as this make it into triple-A titles, as developers are often concerned these days that adult-oriented games will lose their mass-market appeal. It is indeed fortunate for gamers that Remedy has had the courage to make such a bold move in such an increasingly conservative industry. The results truly speak for themselves - Max Payne is a highly innovative, atmospheric and exciting game to play. So high is the quality of storytelling in fact, that towards the end of the game when the gameplay and graphics begin to lose their initial impact, the story will likely be the motivation to keep playing, as the continuous twists, turns and plot developments will keep you guessing right until the very end.
Max Payne is an extremely solid, at times revolutionary, title. While we will undoubtedly see very similar "bullet time" effects in the upcoming games based on the film The Matrix, Max Payne managed to get there first. With style, class and panache leveraged in the most impressive graphics engine on the market this year. Highly recommended.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:30 PM
Max Payne - Kung Fu Edition
One of the more popular Max Payne mods out there has it's own web site now. The Max Payne Kung Fu mod is now hosted at the Max Payne Headquarters. What are some of the features of this mod? Here's some info direct from the web site:
* Kung fu fighting: A Kung fu fighting mode giving Max an assortment of punches and flying/spinning kicks.
* Kung fu stick fighting: A stick fighting mode giving Max a wide array of kung fu stick techniques.
* Kung fu style agility: Fancy flips and twirls in place of Max's standard dodging maneuvers.
* Kung fu action camera: Slow motion panning cameras that capture the kung fu action.
Make sure and check out this mod today! If you've not checked out Max Payne at all - read our game info pages, and download your own copy of the demo.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:30 PM
Max Payne Screenshot Winners Posted!
Today we bring you the winning entries in the Max Payne screenshot contest. They were delayed a bit due to Remedy being tied up, as well as another issue which we'll tell you about in a minute. Anyway, we wanted to tell you that the nine winning shots have been culled from the plethora of submitted shots, and they're ready for your viewing. You can check them all out by clicking here.
The problem alluded to before is what caused a delay in getting the winners posted. Here's the story from our webmaster..
"We had just got done through picking the winners, when I suffered a catastrophic mail loss on my computer that I was unable to recover from (my previous backup was Aug 22nd). How does this affect the screenshot contest? Well, I had all the entries in a secure area on the web site for Remedy to view them, but after I did that, I lost all my mail, which means that I have no idea who did any of them anymore.
What we need now is for the winners of these nine screenshots to contact us regarding their entry. At that point we'll be able to work out how and where to send prizes to. We'd appreciate it if those involved can contact us ASAP - we're very sorry for the problems."
Thanks to everyone who entered the contest - there were lot of good ones in there, and it was pretty hard to pick. To those who didn't win, hang in there, we'll probably be running another contest of some sort shortly.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:30 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Computer Games (Oct. 2001 issue)
Rating: 4 of 5 Stars ("Excellent")
[Max Payne] succeeds in making dozens of repetitive gunfights fun in a way no game developer ever has. This is chiefly accomplished through the use of 'billet-time' gameplay, whereby the player can kick into slow motion on a whim...it also looks amazing: muzzle flashes leap about, bullets crawl by, fires and explosions all but stand still...it's hard not to hold your breath. Don't be surprised if you start reaching for the bullet-time button in every action game that you play after you've finished Max Payne.
Remedy has created a beautiful game full of memorable moments. If John Woo were to make a game, this is what it would be like.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 PM
Gamespy Holiday Buying Guide
In other Gamespy news, they have posted their annual Holiday buying guide. In this year's edition, they list Max Payne as the #2 thing you should be buying this holiday season. Check out a bit of what they had to say about Max...
Sometimes a game just gets all the little things right, and they add up to a metric ton of fun. Such is the case with Max Payne, a 3rd person shooter from Remedy. While the graphics are definitely some of the best to be seen on the PC lately, it's the little touches that really make the game a treat.
The game's pacing is perfect, slowly walking you and Max through the dark story and one outstanding set piece after another. You'll mow down thugs in dark alleys or wealthy office buildings. Bullets will rip environments to shreads. You'll be able to leap behind counters or roll into a room, guns blazing. One sequence has you racing through a fire-bombed building as it collapses and explodes around you.
They have a lot more to say about Max, so make sure and check out Gamespy's Holiday Buying Guide, and especially
the page on Max Payne!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Gone Gold
Rating: 96%
A sign of the great writing is how quickly and easily we accept Max as an extension of ourselves. His dialogue and narration is picture perfect, from the pop-culture references to the wonderful Sam Spade mannerisms. All he has suffered is so expertly woven into the narrative that players will feel very much like they are part of the story. Max is an amazingly well developed character, a tormented, furious monstrosity who is totally out of touch with the man he used to be.
Max Payne has attention to detail the likes of which we've never seen before. You're not going to see repetitive tiles or texture maps here; the city is uniquely detailed throughout. Better still, Max can interact with his environment - turning water taps on, blowing away obstructions, and so forth. Everything seems original, right down to the graffiti on the walls.
This is a spectacular game, well deserving of the accolades it's been getting.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
A New Batch of Fan Stuff!

Wanted to take this opportunity to say "Oops!" for a Halloween submission. We had this picture sent to us in time for Halloween, and neglected to get it online in time, so we wanted to say a big hi to big Duke fan Jason Savage - all decked out (or is it "Duked" out) in his Duke Nukem costume. Check it out here (you can click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
In other fan news, we've updated our fan stuff section to include the latest submissions (and there's a lot of them). There's some more cool stuff in there this time around, including some ASCII Keen art, a Duke Nukem Nascar car, a kick ass Max Payne wallpaper, as well as tons of new Duke fan art!
Make sure and check out the fan stuff section for a lot of cool items - if you have something to contribute, send it in, and we'll get it online the next time that section is updated! Sorry to those who sent in submissions and thought they were lost - they're not - all our pending submissions are now online. If you sent us something, and it's not here, please resend.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
The WarGamer
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
To put this as simply as possible, Max Payne is the best crafted and polished 3D action shooter to ever be released. The game delivers on every fancy feature, and completely engrosses the gamer with intoxicating gameplay. This is a must have for any action gamer.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:00 PM
Max Payne Daily Review
Game Industry News
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
What really pulls you into the game is the plot. Yes, Max Payne has a real plot. Not only that, but you are fully integrated into the story line. [Y]ou have to give kudos to the development staff for not only providing a motive as to why your character has gone vigilante in a quest to kill the head of the illegal drug syndicate, but also letting you experience the troubling event for yourself.
[Max Payne is] easily the best in its category.
Rating: 100%
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:40 AM
Max Payne wins BAFTA Award!
Max Payne has been out for a bit now, and has won several awards, and won the BAFTA Award for Best PC game. This is a very prestigious award; with Max beating out several other big titles to take the award. The BAFTA Interactive Entertainment Awards are Europe's top recognition for interactive entertainment. The game industry is comparable in size to the film industry and the BAFTA awards are considered by many to be the Oscars of games.
The BAFTA site had this to say about Max: "'The Matrix' meets 'Dirty Harry' in this gritty tale of cops, mobsters and revenge, played out across a contemporary New York city. A well-woven plot moves the genre forward, while the addictive 'bullet time' feature sends Max and the player's worlds spinning in slow-motion." In addition, there was a press release put out about the award, you can read that here. Here's a bit from the press release:
"We have been thrilled with Max Payne's critical acclaim and commercial success. We are very pleased that Max Payne has received this award from BAFTA. It is wonderful to see that our work has been appreciated by the industry as well." Commented Petri Jarvilehto, Max Payne's project lead.
If you haven't checked out Max Payne yet, you can read more about it both here on our web site, and on the official Max Payne site. You can download a demo to check it out yourself here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:40 AM
